Use Rust’s Speed to Install Python Libraries Up to 100 Times Faster – Towards Data Science

6 min read

For data scientists and Python programmers, pip needs no introduction. As a package manager, it is either the go-to solution or the starting point in our search for the best solution out there.

Trivia alert : While pip doesnt require an introduction, I have only just learned that it actually stands for Pip Installs Packages or Preferred Installer Program.

pip is not the only package manager available. Below, you can find the most popular tools on the market:

And as this XKCD comic illustrates, there is always room for a new joiner!

Today, well look into uv, which boasts being over 100 times faster than pip. uv functions as a Python package installer, virtual environment creator and a resolver. To achieve its blazing speed, it was built in Rust. Additionally, it was designed as a drop-in replacement for pip and pip-tools workflows.

That sounds promising! Before putting it to the test, lets briefly briefly touch upon the difference between an installer and resolver:

Before we dive into testing, it is worth mentioning that I am conducting the tests on an M1 Mac Mini. And a general disclaimer

See the original post here:

Use Rust's Speed to Install Python Libraries Up to 100 Times Faster - Towards Data Science

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