This Is the Best Place to Buy Groceries, New Data Finds | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

If you asked someone what their favorite place to get groceries is, would you be surprised if they said Amazon? A new report reveals that it's the top place to shop for groceries, based on consumers' preferences.

According to dunnhumby, the global leader in consumer data science, Amazon reigned supreme in the platform's fourth annual Retailer Preference Index (RPI)an exhaustive, nationwide study of best places to buy groceries, which takes consumers' emotional connection to grocery chains as well as prices into consideration. (Related: 8 Grocery Items That May Soon Be in Short Supply.)

In the report, dunnhumby surveyed roughly 10,000 U.S. households about their preferred grocers, and of the 56 retailers included, Amazon dominated the scene. It received the highest overall customer preference score in the first quartile. Behind Amazon is the former winner, H-E-B, followed by Trader Joe's, Wegman's, and Aldi's.

Last year, Amazon placed third in the overall RPI but has now jumped to first place, primarily because of how well-positioned it was to deliver on many of the key areas measured in the index such as speed (second place) and digital (first place). The online retailer took 11th place in the price category, ensuring a strong product value.

The report evaluated seven drivers of customer preference, including price, quality, digital, operations, convenience, discounts, rewards & information, and speed. In addition, it assessed how likely a retailer's customer value proposition will set the company up for long-term financial success.

As of this year, the data science platform also factored in a Covid Momentum Metric, which explores the short-term financial successes each retailer experienced during the pandemic, and Amazon (to no surprise) claimed the first spot in that category, as well.

"Amazon accelerated past every other retailer on our Covid Momentum Metric and customer safety ratings, due to its speed to shop and virtual store format. As we begin to emerge from the pandemic, we should expect value perception to come back strongly. Beyond Covid, retailers with Customer First strategies will best adapt to changing behaviors and deliver what matters most to their customers," said Grant Steadman, President of North America for dunnhumby in a statement.

For more, be sure to check out6 Grocery Stores That Are Already Offering the COVID-19 Vaccine.

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This Is the Best Place to Buy Groceries, New Data Finds | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

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