Language processing in humans and computers: Part 3 How do you know that this is a sentence?
People speak many languages. People who speak different languages generally dont understand each other. How is it possible to have a general theory of language?
Life is also diversified in many species, and different species generally cannot interbreed. But life is a universal capability of self-reproduction and biology is a general theory of life.
General linguistics is based on Noam Chomskys Cartesian assumption: that all languages arise from a universal capability of speech, innate to our species. The claim is that all of our different languages share the same deep structures embedded in our brains. Since different languages assign different words to the same things, the semantic assignments of words to meanings are not a part of these universal deep structures. Chomskian general linguistics is mainly concerned with general syntax. It also studies (or it used to study) the transformations of the deep syntactic structures into the surface structures observable in particular languages, just like biology studies the ways in which the general mechanisms of heredity lead to particular organisms. Oversimplified a little, the Chomskian thesis implied that
However, the difference between the pathways from deep structures to surface structures as studied in linguistics on one hand and in biology on the other is that * in biology, the carriers of the deep structures of life are directly observable and empirically studied in genetics, whereas * in linguistics, the deep structures of syntax are not directly observable but merely postulated, as Chomskys Cartesian foundations, and the task of finding actual carriers is left to a future science.
This leaves the Cartesian assumption about the universal syntactic structures on a shaky ground. The emergence of large language models may be a tectonic shift of that ground. Most of our early interactions with chatbots seem to suggest that the demarcation line between syntax and semantics may not be as clear as traditionally assumed.
To understand a paradigm shift, we need to understand the paradigm. To stand a chance to understand large language models, we need a basic understanding of the language models previously developed in linguistics. In this lecture and in the next one, we parkour through the theories of syntax and of semantics, respectively.
Grammar is trivial in the sense that it was the first part of trivium. Trivium and quadrivium were the two main parts of medieval schools, partitioning the seven liberal arts that were studied. Trivium consisted of grammar, logic, and rhetorics; quadrivium of arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy. Theology, law, and medicine were not studied as liberal arts because they were controlled by the Pope, the King, and by physicians guilds, respectively. So grammar was the most trivial part of trivium. At the entry point of their studies, the students were taught to classify words into 8 basic syntactic categories, going back to Dionysios Trax from II century BCE: nouns, verbs, participles, articles, pronouns, prepositions, adverbs, and conjunctions. The idea of categories goes back to the first book of Aristotles Organon. The basic noun-verb scaffolding of Indo-European languages was noted still earlier, but Aristotle spelled out the syntax-semantics conundrum: What do the categories of words in the language say about the classes of things in the world? For a long time, partitioning words into categories remained the entry point of all learning. As understanding of language evolved, its structure became the entry point.
Formal grammars and languages are defined in the next couple of displays. They show how it works. If you dont need the details, skip them and move on to the main idea. The notations are explained among the notes.
The idea of the phrase structure theory of syntax is to start from a lexicon as the set of terminals and to specify a grammar that generates as the induced language a desired set of well-formed sentences.
How grammars generate sentences. The most popular sentences are in the form Subject loves Object. One of the most popular sentence from grammar textbooks is in the next figure on the left:
The drawing above the sentence is its constituent tree. The sentence consists of a noun phrase (NP) and a verb phrase (VP), both as simple as possible: the noun phrase is a noun denoting the subject, the verb phrase a transitive verb with another noun phrase denoting the object. The subject-object terminology suggests different things to different people. A wide variety of ideas. If even the simplest possible syntax suggests a wide variety of semantical connotations, then there is no such thing as a purely syntactic example. Every sequence of words has a meaning, and meaning is a process, always on the move, always decomposable. To demonstrate the separation of syntax from semantics, Chomsky constructed the (syntactically) well-formed but (semantically) meaningless sentence illustrated by Dall-E in the above figure on the right. The example is used as evidence that syntactic correctness does not imply semantic interpretability. But there is also a whole tradition of creating poems, stories, and illustrations that assign meanings to this sentence. Dall-Es contribution above is among the simpler ones.
Marxist linguistics and engineering. For a closer look at the demarcation line between syntax and semantics, consider the ambiguity of the sentence One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas, delivered by Groucho Marx in the movie Animal Crackers.
The claim is ambiguous because it permits the two syntactic analyses:
both derived using the same grammar:
While both analyses are syntactically correct, only one is semantically realistic, whereas the other one is a joke. To plant the joke, Groucho binds his claim to the second interpretation by adding How he got into my pajamas I dont know. The joke is the unexpected turn from syntactic ambiguity to semantic impossibility. The sentences about the colorless green ideas and the elephant in my pajamas illustrate the same process of apparent divergence of syntax and semantics, studied in linguistics and used in comedy.
History of formal grammars. The symbol ::= used in formal grammars is a rudiment of the fact that such rules used to be thought of as one-way equations. Rule (1) in the definition of formal grammars above is meant to be interpreted something like: Whenever you see , you can rewrite it as , but not the other way around. Algebraic theories presented by systems of such one-way equations were studied by Axel Thue in the early XX century. Emil Post used such systems in his studies of string rewriting in the 1920s, to construct what we would now call programs, more than 10 years before Godel and Turing spelled out the idea of programming. In the 1940s, Post proved that his string rewriting systems were as powerful as Turings, Godels, and Churchs models of computation, which had in the meantime appeared. Noam Chomskys 1950s proposal of formal grammars as the principal tool of general linguistics was based on Posts work and inspired by the general theory of computation, rapidly expanding and proving some of its deepest results at the time. While usable grammars of natural languages still required a lot of additional work on transformations, side conditions, binding, and so on, the simple formal grammars that Chomsky classified back then remained the principal tool for specifying programming languages ever since.
Hierarchy of formal grammars and languages. Chomsky defined the nest of languages displayed in the next figure by imposing constraints on the grammatical rules that generate the languages.
The constraints are summarized in the following table. We say that
Here are some examples from each grammar family, together with typical derivation trees and languages:
Does it really work like this in my head? Scientific models of reality usually do not claim that they are the reality. Physicists dont claim that quantum states consist of density matrices used to model them. Grammars are just a computational model of language, born in the early days of the theory of computation. The phrase structure grammars were an attempt to explain language in computational terms. Nowadays even the programming language often dont work that way anymore. Its just a model.
However, when it comes to mental models of mental processes, the division between the reality and its models becomes subtle. They can reflect and influence each other. A computational model of a computer allows the computer to simulate itself. A language can be modeled within itself, and the model can be similar to the process that it models. How close can it get?
Dependency grammars are a step closer to capturing the process of sentence production. Grammatical dependency is a relation between words in a sentence. It relates a head word and an (ordered!) tuple of dependents. The sentence is produced as the dependents are chosen for the given head words, or the heads for the given dependents. The choices are made in the order in which the words occur. Here is how this works on the example of Grouchos elephant sentence:
Unfolding dependencies. The pronoun I occurs first, and it can only form a sentence as a dependent on some verb. The verb shot is selected as the head of that dependency as soon as it is uttered. The sentence could then be closed if the verb shot is used as intransitive. If it is used as transitive, then the object of action needs to be selected as its other dependent. Groucho selects the noun elephant. English grammar requires that this noun is also the head of another dependency, with an article as its dependent. Since the article is required to precede the noun, the word elephant is not uttered before its dependent an or the is chosen. After the words I shot an elephant are uttered (or received), there are again multiple choices to be made: the sentence can be closed with no further dependents, or a dependent can be added to the head shot, or else it can be added to the head elephant. The latter two syntactic choices correspond to the different semantical meanings that create ambiguity. If the prepositional phrase in my pajamas is a syntactic dependent of the head shot, then the subject I wore the pajamas when they shot. If the prepositional phrase is a syntactic dependent of the head elephant, then the object of shooting wore the pajamas when they were shot. The two dependency analyses look like this, with the corresponding constituency analyses penciled above them.
The dependent phrase in my pajamas is headed by the preposition in, whose dependent is the noun pajamas, whose dependent is the possessive my. After that, the speaker has to choose again whether to close the sentence or to add another dependent phrase, say while sleeping furiously, which opens up the same two choices of syntactic dependency and semantic ambiguity. To everyones relief, the speaker chose to close the sentence.
Is dependency a syntactic or a semantic relation? The requirements that a dependency relation exists are usually syntactic. E.g., to form a sentence, a starting noun is usually a dependent of a verb. But the choice of a particular dependent or head assignment is largely semantical: whether I shot an elephant or a traffic sign. The choice of an article dependent on the elephant depends on the context, possibly remote: whether a particular elephant has been determined or not. If it has not been determined, then the form of the independent article an is determined syntactically, and not semantically.
So the answer to the above question seems to suggest that the partition of the relations between words into syntactic and semantic is too simplistic for some situations since the two aspects of language are not independent and can be inseparable.
In programming, type-checking is a basic error-detection mechanism: e.g., the inputs of an arithmetic operation are checked to be of type , the birth dates in a database are checked to have the month field of type , whose terms may be the integers 1,2,, 12, and if someones birth month is entered to be 101, the error will be caught in type-checking. Types allow the programmer to ensure correct program execution by constraining the data that can be processed.
In language processing, the syntactic types are used in a similar process, to restrict the scope of the word choices. Just like the type restricts the inputs of arithmetic operations tointegers, the syntactic type
The rules of grammar are thus related to the type declarations in programs as
In the grammar listed above after the two parsings of Grouchos elephant sentence, the terminal rules listed on the left are the basic typing statements, whereas the non-terminal rules on the right are type constructors, building composite types from simpler types. The constituency parse trees thus display the type structures of the parsed sentences. The words of the sentence occur as the leaves, whereas the inner tree nodes are the types. The branching nodes are the composite types and the non-branching nodes are the basic types. Constituency parsing is typing.
Dependency parsings, on the other hand, do a strange thing: having routed the dependencies from a head term to its dependents through the constituent types that connect them, they sidestep the types and directly connect the head with its dependents. This is what the above dependency diagrams show. Dependency parsing reduces syntactic typing to term dependencies.
But only the types that record nothing but term dependencies can be reduced to term dependencies. The two dependency parsings of the elephant sentence look something like this:
The expressions below the two copies of the sentence are the syntactic types captured by dependency parsings. They are generated by tupling the reference variables x,y, etc., with their overlined left adjoints and underlined right adjoints. Such syntactic types form pregroups, an algebraic structure introduced in the late 1990s by Jim Lambek, as a simplification of his syntactic calculus of categorial grammars. He had introduced categorial grammars in the late 1950s, to explore decision procedures for Ajdukiewiczs syntactic connexions from the 1930s and for Bar-Hillels quasi-arithmetic from the early 1950s, both based on the reference-based logic of meaning going back to Husserls Logical investigations. Categorial grammars have been subsequently studied for many decades. We only touch pregroups, only as a stepping stone.
A pregroup is an ordered monoid with left and right adjoints. An ordered monoid is a monoid where the underlying set is ordered and the monoid product is monotone.
If you know what this means, you can skip this section. You can also skip it if you dont need to know how it works, since the main idea should transpire as you go anyway. Just in case, here are the details.
It is easy to show that all elements of all pregroups, as ordered monoids with adjoints, satisfy the following claims:
Examples. The free pregroup, generated by an arbitrary poset, consists of the tuples formed from the poset elements and with their left and right adjoints. The monoid operation is the concatenation. The order is lifted from the generating poset pointwise and (most importantly) extended by the order clauses from the definition of the adjoints. For a non-free example, consider the monoid of monotone maps from integers to integers. Taken with the pointwise order again, the monotone maps form a pregroup because every bounded set of integers contains its meet and join, and therefore every monotone map must preserve them. This allows constructing the adjoints.
Here is why pregroups help with understanding language.
To check semantic correctness of a given phrase, each word in the phrase is first assigned a pregroup element as its syntactic type. The type of the phrase is the product of the types of its words, multiplied in the pregroup. The phrase is a well-formed sentence if its syntactic type is bounded from above by the pregroup unit . In other words, we compute the syntactic type S of the given phrase, and it is a sentence just when S. The computation can be reduced to drawing arcs to connect each type x with an adjoint, be it left or right, and coupling them so that each pair falls below . If the arcs are well-nested, eliminating the adjacent linked pairs, that fall below according to the above definition of adjoints, and replacing them by the unit, makes other adjoint pairs adjacent and ready to be eliminated. If the phrase is a sentence, proceeding like reduces its type to the unit. Since the procedure was nondecreasing, this proves that the original type was bounded by the unit from above. If the types cannot be matched by linking and eliminated in this way, then the phrase is not a sentence. The type actually tells what kind of a phrase it is.
We obviously skipped many details and some of them are significant. In practice, the head of the sentence is annotated by a type variable S that does not get discharged and its wire does not arc to another type in the sentence but points straight out. This wire can be interpreted as a reference to another sentence. By linking the S-variables of pairs of sentences and coupling, for instance, questions and answers, one could implement a pregroup version of discourse syntax. Still further up, by pairing messages and coupling, say, the challenges and the responses in an authentication protocol, one could implement a pregroup version of a protocol formalism. We will get back to this in a moment.
While they are obviously related with dependency references, the pregroup couplings usually deviate from them. On the sentential level, this is because the words grouped under the same syntactic type in a lexicon should are expected to be assigned the same pregroup type. Lambeks idea was that even the phrases of the same type in constituency grammars should receive the same pregroup type. Whether this requirement is justified and advantageous is a matter of contention. The only point that matters here is that syntax is typing.
Why dont we stream words, like network routers stream packets? Why cant we approximate what we want to say by adding more words, just like numbers approximate points in space by adding more digits?
The old answer is: We make sentences to catch a breath. When we complete a sentence, we release the dependency threads between its words. Without that, the dependencies accumulate, and you can only keep so many threads in your mind at a time. Breathing keeps references from knotting.
Exercise. We make long sentences for a variety of reasons and purposes. A sample of a long sentence is provided below. Try to split it into shorter ones. What is gained and what lost by such operations? Ask a chatbot to do it.
Anaphora is a syntactic pattern that occurs within or between sentences. In rhetorics and poetry, it is the figure of speech where the same phrase is repeated to amplify the argument or thread a reference. In ChatGPTs view, it works because the rhythm of the verse echoes the patterns of meaning:
In every word, lifes rhythm beats, In every truth, lifes voice speaks. In every dream, lifes vision seeks, In every curse, lifes revenge rears. In every laugh, lifes beat nears, In every pause, lifes sound retreats.
Syntactic partitions reflect the semantic partitions. Sentential syntax is the discipline of charging and discharging syntactic dependencies to transmit semantic references.
The language streams are articulated into words, sentences, paragraphs, sections, chapters, books, libraries, literatures; speakers tell stories, give speeches, maintain conversations, follow conventions, comply with protocols. Computers reduce speech to tweets and expand it to chatbots.
The layering of language articulations is an instance of the stratification of communication channels. Artificial languages evolved the same layering. The internet stack is another instance.
Communication channels are stratified because information carriers are implemented on top of each other. The layered interaction architectures are pervasive, in living organisms, in the communication networks between them, and in all languages developed by the humans. The reference coupling mechanisms, similar to the syntactic type structures that we studied, emerge at all levels. The pregroup structure of sentential syntax is echoed in the question-answer structure of simple discourse and in the SYN-ACK pattern of basic network protocols. Closely related structures arise in all kinds of protocols, across the board, whether they are established to regulate network functions, or secure interactions, or social, political, economic mechanisms. The following figure shows a high-level view of a simple 2-factor authentication protocol, presented as a basic cord space:
And here is the same protocol with the cord interactions viewed as adjoint pairs of types:
The corresponding interactions are marked by the corresponding sequence numbers. The upshot is that
share crucial features. It is tempting to think of them as a product of a high-level deep syntax, shared by all communication processes. Such syntax could conceivably arise from innate capabilities hypothesized in the Chomskian theory, or from physical and logical laws of information processing.
We have seen how syntactic typing supports semantic information transmission. Already Grouchos elephant sentence fed syntactic and semantic ambiguities back into each other.
But if syntactic typing and semantic assignments steer each other, then the generally adopted restriction of syntactic analyses to sentences cannot be justified, since semantic ambiguities cannot be resolved on the level of sentence. Groucho proved that.
Consider the sentence
John said he was sick and got up to leave.
Adding a context changes its meaning:
Mark collapsed on bed. John said he was sick and got up to leave.
For most people, he was sick now refers to Mark. Note that the silent he in [he] got up to leave remains bound to John. Or take
Few professors came to the party and had a great time.
The meaning does not significantly change if we split the sentence in two and expand :
Since it started late, few professors came to the party. They had a great time.
Like in the John and Mark example, a context changes the semantical binding, this time of it:
There was a departmental meeting at 5. Since it started late, few professors came to the party. They had a great time.
But this time, adding a first sentence that binds the subject they differently may change the meaning of they in the last sentence::
They invited professors. There was a departmental meeting at 5. Since it started late, few professors came to the party. They had a great time.
The story is now that students had a great time the students who are never explicitly mentioned! Their presence is only derived from the background knowledge about the general context of professorial existence 😉
On the level of sentential syntax of natural languages, as generated by formal grammars, proving context-sensitivity amounts to finding a language that contains some of the patterns known to require a context-sensitive grammar, such as abc for arbitrary letters a,b,c and any number n, or ww, www, or wwww for arbitrary word w*. Since people are unlikely to go around saying to each other things like abc, the task boiled down to finding languages which require constructions of repetitive words in the form ww, www, etc. The quest for such examples became quite competitive.
Since a language with a finite lexicon has a finite number of words for numbers, at some point you have to say something like quadrillion quadrillion, assuming that quadrillion is the largest number denoted by a single word. But it was decided by the context sensitivity competition referees that numbers dont count.
Then someone found that in the Central-African language Bambara, the construction that says any dog is in the form dog dog. Then someone else noticed context-sensitive nesting phenomena in Dutch, but not everyone agreed. Eventually, most people settled on Swiss German as a definitely context sensitive language, and the debate about syntactic contexts-sensitivity subsided. With a hindsight, it had the main hallmarks of a theological debate. The main problem with counting how many angels can stand on the tip of a needle is that angels generally dont hang out on needles. The main problem with syntactic context sensitivity is that contexts are never purely syntactic.
Chomsky noted that natural language should be construed as context-sensitive as soon as he defined the notion of context-sensitivity. Restricting the language models to syntax, and syntax to sentences, made proving his observation into a conundrum.
But now that the theology of syntactic contexts is behind us, and the language models are in front of us, waiting to be understood, the question arises: How are the contexts really processed? How do we do it, and how do the chatbots do it? Where do we all store big contexts? A novel builds up its context starting from the first sentence, and refers to it 800 pages later. How does a language model find the target of such a reference? It cannot maintain references between everything to everything. How do you choose what to remember?
Semantic dependencies on remote contexts have been one of the central problems of natural language processing from the outset. The advances in natural language processing that we witness currently arise to a large extent from progress in solving that problem. To get an idea about the challenge, consider the following paragraph:
Unsteadily, Holmes stepped out of the barge. Moriarty was walking away down the towpath and into the fog. Holmes ran after him. `Give it back to me, he shouted. Moriarty turned and laughed. He opened his hand and the small piece of metal fell onto the path. Holmes reached to pick it up but Moriarty was too quick for him. With one slight movement of his foot, he tipped the key into the lock.
If you are having trouble understanding what just happened, you are in a good company. Without sufficient hints, the currently available chatbots do not seem to be able to produce a correct interpretation. In the next part, we will see how the contexts are generated, including much larger. After that, we will be ready to explain how they are processed.
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- Rapid Insight to Present at Data Science Salon's Healthcare, Finance, and Technology Virtual Event - PR Web [Last Updated On: February 14th, 2021] [Originally Added On: February 14th, 2021]
- Aunalytics Acquires Naveego to Expand Capabilities of its End-to-End Cloud-Native Data Platform to Enable True Digital Transformation for Customers -... [Last Updated On: February 22nd, 2021] [Originally Added On: February 22nd, 2021]
- Tech Careers: In-demand Courses to watch out for a Lucrative Future - Big Easy Magazine [Last Updated On: February 22nd, 2021] [Originally Added On: February 22nd, 2021]
- Willis Towers Watson enhances its human capital data science capabilities globally with the addition of the Jobable team - GlobeNewswire [Last Updated On: February 22nd, 2021] [Originally Added On: February 22nd, 2021]
- Global Data Science Platform Market 2021 Industry Insights, Drivers, Top Trends, Global Analysis And Forecast to 2027 KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper -... [Last Updated On: February 22nd, 2021] [Originally Added On: February 22nd, 2021]
- A Comprehensive Guide to Scikit-Learn - Built In [Last Updated On: February 22nd, 2021] [Originally Added On: February 22nd, 2021]
- Industry VoicesBuilding ethical algorithms to confront biases: Lessons from Aotearoa New Zealand - FierceHealthcare [Last Updated On: February 22nd, 2021] [Originally Added On: February 22nd, 2021]
- How Intel Employees Volunteered Their Data Science Expertise To Help Costa Rica Save Lives During the Pandemic - [Last Updated On: February 22nd, 2021] [Originally Added On: February 22nd, 2021]
- Learn About Innovations in Data Science and Analytic Automation on an Upcoming Episode of the Advancements Series - Yahoo Finance [Last Updated On: February 22nd, 2021] [Originally Added On: February 22nd, 2021]
- Symposium aimed at leveraging the power of data science for promoting diversity - Penn State News [Last Updated On: February 22nd, 2021] [Originally Added On: February 22nd, 2021]
- Rochester to advance research in biological imaging through new grant - University of Rochester [Last Updated On: February 22nd, 2021] [Originally Added On: February 22nd, 2021]
- SoftBank Joins Initiative to Train Diverse Talent in Data Science and AI - Entrepreneur [Last Updated On: February 22nd, 2021] [Originally Added On: February 22nd, 2021]
- Participating in SoftBank/ Correlation One Initiative - Miami - City of Miami [Last Updated On: February 22nd, 2021] [Originally Added On: February 22nd, 2021]
- Increasing Access to Care with the Help of Big Data | Research Blog - Duke Today [Last Updated On: February 22nd, 2021] [Originally Added On: February 22nd, 2021]
- Heres how Data Science & Business Analytics expertise can put you on the career expressway - Times of India [Last Updated On: March 14th, 2021] [Originally Added On: March 14th, 2021]
- Yelp data shows almost half a million new businesses opened during the pandemic - CNBC [Last Updated On: March 14th, 2021] [Originally Added On: March 14th, 2021]
- Postdoctoral Position in Transient and Multi-messenger Astronomy Data Science in Greenbelt, MD for University of MD Baltimore County/CRESST II -... [Last Updated On: March 14th, 2021] [Originally Added On: March 14th, 2021]
- DefinedCrowd CEO Daniela Braga on the future of AI, training data, and women in tech - GeekWire [Last Updated On: March 14th, 2021] [Originally Added On: March 14th, 2021]
- Gartner: AI and data science to drive investment decisions rather than "gut feel" by mid-decade - TechRepublic [Last Updated On: March 14th, 2021] [Originally Added On: March 14th, 2021]
- Jupyter has revolutionized data science, and it started with a chance meeting between two students - TechRepublic [Last Updated On: March 14th, 2021] [Originally Added On: March 14th, 2021]
- Working at the intersection of data science and public policy | Penn Today - Penn Today [Last Updated On: March 14th, 2021] [Originally Added On: March 14th, 2021]
- The Future of AI: Careers in Machine Learning - Southern New Hampshire University [Last Updated On: April 4th, 2021] [Originally Added On: April 4th, 2021]
- SMU meets the opportunities of the data-driven world with cutting-edge research and data science programs - The Dallas Morning News [Last Updated On: April 4th, 2021] [Originally Added On: April 4th, 2021]
- Data, Science, and Journalism in the Age of COVID - Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting [Last Updated On: April 4th, 2021] [Originally Added On: April 4th, 2021]