Introduction to Linear Programming Part II | by Robert Lohne | Jul, 2024 – Towards Data Science

Last year, I was approached by a friend who works in a small, family-owned steel and metal business. He wanted to know if it was possible to create something that would help him solve the problem of minimising waste when cutting steel beams. Sounds like a problem for linear programming!

When I started out, there was not a huge amount of beginners articles on how to use linear programming in R that made sense for somebody not that versed in math. Linear programming with R was also an area where ChatGPT did not shine in early 2023, so I found myself wishing for a guide.

This series is my attempt at making such a guide. Hopefully it will be of use to someone.

This is part II of the series, if you are looking for a introduction to linear programming in R, have a look at part I.

If you read the theory behind linear programming, or linear optimisation, you end up with a lot of math. This can be off-putting if you dont have a math background (I dont). For me, its mostly because I never took enough math classes to understand a lot of the symbols. Initially, this made understanding the tutorials surrounding linear programming harder than it should have been. However, you dont need to understand the math behind the theory to apply the principles of code in this article.

See the rest here:

Introduction to Linear Programming Part II | by Robert Lohne | Jul, 2024 - Towards Data Science

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