Delegation announces $20 million NSF award to fund data science … – Vermont Biz

Vermont Business Magazine This week, Vermonts Congressional Delegationannouncedthat the University of Vermont (UVM) would receive a $20 million award through theNational Science Foundation(NSF)s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) program. The award will support continued data science research through the Harnessing the Data Revolution for Vermont: The Science of Online Corpora, Knowledge, and Stories(SOCKS)project a joint initiative of UVM, Champlain College, Middlebury College, Norwich University, Vermont Technical College, and Saint Michaels College.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Senator Peter Welch (D-VT) and Representative Becca Balint (D-VT) released the following statement:

Vermont colleges and universities are at the forefront of data science, pursuing groundbreaking research to help us better understand the world around us.The work happening at institutions across Vermont to complete the Harnessing the Data Revolution for Vermont: The Science of Online Corpora, Knowledge, and Storiesproject exemplifies that commitment.

With this $20 million award from the National Science FoundationsEPSCoR program, the University of Vermont and its partner institutions will be able to strengthen and grow Vermonts capacity for data science research and provide important information on the state of our world.

We congratulate the awardees UVM,Champlain College, Middlebury College, Norwich University, Vermont Technical College, Saint Michael's College and we thank the National Science Foundation for their work to bring this important funding to Vermont.

To read more about the award, pleaseclick here.

Source: 5.9.2023. WASHINGTON Vermonts Congressional Delegation

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Delegation announces $20 million NSF award to fund data science ... - Vermont Biz

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