A data science roadmap for open science organizations engaged in early-stage drug discovery – Nature.com

Consistent data processing: a critical prelude to building AI models

The critical nature of precise storage, management, and dissemination of data in the realm of drug discovery is universally recognized. This is because the extraction of meaningful insights depends on the data being readily accessible, standardized, and maintained with the highest possible consistency. However, the implementation of good data practices can vary greatly and depends on the goals, culture, resources, and expertise of research organizations. A critical, yet sometimes underestimated, aspect is the initial engineering task of data preprocessing, which entails transforming raw assay data into a format suitable for downstream analysis. For instance, quantifying sequencing reads from DNA-encoded library screens into counts is required for the subsequent hit identification data science analysis step. Ensuring the correctness of this initial data processing step is imperative, but it may be given too little priority, potentially leading to inaccuracies in subsequent analyses. Standardization of raw data processing is an important step to enable subsequent machine learning studies of DEL data. Currently, this step is done by companies or organizations that generate and screen DEL libraries, and the respective protocols are reported if a study is published (see the Methods section in McCloskey et al. 18). Making data processing pipelines open source will help establish best practices to allow for scrutiny and revisions if necessary. While this foundational step is vital for harnessing data science, it is worth noting that it will not be the focus of this discussion.

In drug discovery, data science presents numerous opportunities to increase the efficiency and speed of the discovery process. Initially, data science facilitates the analysis of huge experimental data, e.g., allowing researchers to identify potential bioactive compounds in large screening data. Machine learning models can be trained on data from DEL or ASMS and, in turn, be used for hit expansion in extensive virtual screens. For example, a model trained to predict the read counts of a specific DEL screen can be used to identify molecules from other large compound libraries, which are likely to bind to the target protein under consideration18.

As the drug discovery process advances to compound optimization, data science can be used to analyse and predict the pharmacokinetic and dynamic properties of potential drug candidates. This includes model-based evaluation of absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET) profiles. ADMET parameters are crucial in prioritizing and optimizing candidate molecules. Acknowledging their importance, the pharmaceutical industry has invested substantially in developing innovative assays and expanding testing capacities. Such initiatives have enabled the characterization of thousands of compounds through high-quality in-vitro ADMET assays, serving as a prime example of data curation in many pharmaceutical companies37. The knowledge derived from accumulated datasets has the potential to impact research beyond the projects where the data was originally produced. Computational teams utilize these data to understand the principles governing ADMET endpoints as well as to develop in-silico models for the prediction of ADMET properties. These models can help prioritize compound sets lacking undesired liabilities and thus guide researchers in their pursuit to identify the most promising novel drug candidates.

Major approaches in early drug discovery data science encompass classification, regression, or ranking models. They are, for example, employed in drug discovery to classify molecules as mutagenic, predict continuous outcomes such as the binding affinity to a target, and rank compounds in terms of their solubility. Incorporating prior domain knowledge can further enhance the predictive power of these models. Often, assays or endpoints that are correlated can be modelled together, even if they represent independent tasks. By doing so, the models can borrow statistical strength from each individual task, thereby improving overall performance compared to modelling them independently. For example, multitask learning models can predict multiple properties concurrently, as demonstrated by a multitask graph convolutional approach used for predicting physicochemical ADMET endpoints38.

When confronted with training data that have ambiguous labels, utilizing multiple-instance learning can be beneficial. Specifically, in the context of bioactivity models, this becomes relevant when multiple 3D conformations are considered, as the bioactive conformation is often unknown39. A prevalent challenge in applying data science for predictive modelling of chemical substances is choosing a suitable molecular representation. Different representations, such as Continuous Data-Driven Descriptor (CDDD)40 from SMILES strings, molecular fingerprints41 or 3D representations42, capture different facets of the molecular structure and properties43. It is vital to select an appropriate molecular representation as this determines how effectively the nuances of the chemical structures are captured. The choice of the molecular representation influences the prediction performance of various downstream tasks, making it a critical factor in AI-driven drug discovery, as discussed in detail in David et al.s43 review and practical guide on molecular representations in AI-driven drug discovery. Recent studies have found that simple k-nearest neighbours on molecular fingerprints can match or outperform much more complicated deep learning approaches on some compound potency prediction benchmarks44,45. On the other hand, McCloskey et al. 18 have discovered hits by training graph neural networks on data from DEL screens, which are not close to the training set using established molecular similarity calculations. Whether a simple molecular representation, infused with chemical knowledge, or a complex, data-driven deep learning representation is more suitable for the task at hand depends strongly on the training data and needs to be carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis to obtain a fast and accurate model.

Sound strategies for splitting data into training and test sets are crucial to ensure robust model performance. These strategies include random splitting, which involves dividing the data into training and test sets at random, ensuring a diverse mix of data points in both sets. Temporal splitting arranges data chronologically, training the model on older data and testing it on more recent data, which is useful for predicting future trends. Compound cluster-wise splitting devides training and test sets into distinct chemical spaces. Employing these strategies is essential as inconsistencies between the distributions of training and test data can lead to unreliable model outputs, negatively impacting decision-making processes in drug discovery46.

The successful application of machine learning requires keeping their domain of applicability in mind at all stages. This includes using the techniques described in the previous section for data curation and model development. However, it is equally important to be able to estimate the reliability of a prediction made by an AI model. While generalization to unseen data is theoretically well understood for classic machine learning techniques, it is still an active area of research for deep learning. Neural networks can learn complex data representations through successive nonlinear transformations of the input. As a downside of this flexibility, these models are more sensitive to so-called adversarial examples, i.e., instances outside the domain of applicability that are seemingly close to the training data from the human perspective44. For this reason, deep learning models often fall short of providing reliable confidence estimates for their predictions. Several empirical techniques can be used to obtain uncertainty estimates: Neural network classifiers present a probability distribution indicative of prediction confidence, which is inadequately calibrated but can be adjusted on separate calibration data45. For regression tasks, techniques such as mixture density networks47 or Bayesian dropout48 can be employed to predict distributions instead of single-point estimates. For both classification and regression, the increased variance of a model ensemble indicates that the domain of applicability has been left49.

With the methods described in the previous paragraphs, we possess the necessary methodological stack to establish a data-driven feedback loop from experimental data, a crucial component for implementing active learning at scale. By leveraging predictive models that provide uncertainty estimates, we can create a dynamic and iterative data science process for the design-make-test-analyse (DMTA) cycle. For instance, these predictive models can be utilized to improve the potency of a compound by identifying and prioritizing molecules that are predicted to have high affinity yet are uncertain. Similarly, the models can be used to increase the solubility of a compound by selecting molecules that are likely to be more soluble, thus improving delivery and absorption. This process continuously refines predictions and prioritizes the most informative data points for subsequent experimental testing and retraining the predictive model, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of drug discovery efforts. An important additional component is the strategy to pick molecules for subsequent experiments. By intelligently selecting the most informative samples, possibly those that the model is most uncertain about, the picking strategy ensures that each iteration contributes maximally to refining the model and improving predictions. For example, in the context of improving compound potency, the model might prioritize molecules that are predicted to have high potency but with a high degree of uncertainty. These strategies optimize the DMTA process by ensuring that each experimental cycle contributes to the refinement of the predictive model and the overall efficiency of the drug discovery process.

When applying the computational workflow depicted in Fig.3 on large compound libraries, scientists encounter a rather uncommon scenario for machine learning: usually, the training of deep neural networks incurs the highest computational cost since many iterations over large datasets are required, while comparatively few predictions will later be required from the trained model within a similar time frame. However, when inference is to be performed on a vast chemical space, we face the inverse situation. Assessing billions of molecules for their physicochemical parameters and bioactivity is an extremely costly procedure, potentially requiring thousands of graphics processing unit (GPU) hours. Therefore, not only predictive accuracy but also the computational cost of machine learning methods is an important aspect that should be considered when evaluating the practicality of a model.

Computational workflow for predicting molecular properties, starting with molecular structure encoding, followed by model selection and assessment, and concluding with the application of models to virtually screen libraries and rank these molecules for potential experimental validation. The process can be cyclical, allowing iterative refinement of models based on empirical data. ADMET: absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretiontoxicity. ECFP: Extended Connectivity Fingerprints. CDDD: Continuous Data-Driven Descriptor, a type of molecular representation derived from SMILES strings. Entropy: Shannon entropy descriptors50,51.

Originally posted here:

A data science roadmap for open science organizations engaged in early-stage drug discovery - Nature.com

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