20 training places on Data Engineering with Cloud Assured Skills … – Department for the Economy

The Department for the Economy has announced 20 quality training places on a Data Engineering with Cloud Assured Skills Academy with KPMG.

Data Engineering with Cloud Assured Skills Academy with KPMG

Funded by the Department, the Assured Skills Academy which will see participants receive industry-relevant pre-employment training with Belfast Met (BMC) for roles as Data Engineers within KPMGs Belfast Centre of Excellence.

Successfully completing the training guarantees participants an interview for an Analyst role within the KPMG Data Engineering Team.

Highlighting the opportunity, the Department for the Economys Director of Skills Strategy, Graeme Wilkinson commented: As we continue to move into a decade of economic transformation around the Departments 10X Economic Vision, strengthening our local skills base and investing in skills is essential to grow our economy. Assured Skills Academies have a strong track record of delivering high quality training whilst also providing businesses with the skills and talent they need to grow.

With no experience needed, this Assured Skills Academy with KPMG, focussing on the cutting-edge area of data engineering, is a wonderful opportunity to join a multinational company and develop a professional career in Data Science, Data Engineering and Analytics. With an allowance of 160 per week I would encourage anyone who is interested and eligible to apply.

Johnny Hanna, Partner in Charge of KPMG in Northern Ireland said: After the success of our other AI and Cyber Security Academies, KPMG are delighted to again offer ambitious graduates in any discipline the opportunity to join our Centre of Excellence and to develop a professional career in the field of Data Engineering and Cloud. This opportunity will be challenging but equally rewarding to those who have an analytical mindset, an aptitude to solve complex business issues and a desire to succeed in their career.

Damian Duffy, Deputy Chief Executive at Belfast Met said: Our partnership continues to grow with KMPG and the Department for the Economy and I am delighted to welcome these 20 training positions on Data Engineering. With training provided by our Assured Skills Team, students will receive top, industry relevant guidance and quality knowledge they will need to grow in the Data Engineering and Cloud sector.

This is a fantastic opportunity to work with such a prestigious professional services company like KPMG and to gain the relevant skills to progress into careers as Analysts with KMPG I wish them all the best.

While experience is not required applicants must:

Training will commence on Monday 16 October and finish on Friday 15 December 2023.

Applications are now open and close at 12 noon on Friday 25 August 2023.

For more information and to apply visit the Assured Skills Academies page on indirect.

1. Assured Skills is a pre-employment training programme run by the Department for the Economy. More information is available on the Department's website.

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20 training places on Data Engineering with Cloud Assured Skills ... - Department for the Economy

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