IMLS: $5.2 Million Awarded to Strengthen Library Services for Tribal Communities, Native Hawaiians – LJ INFOdocket

From the Institute of Museum and Library Services:

The Institute of Museum and Library Services today announced grants totaling $5,253,000 through three programs designed to support and improve library services of Native American, Native Alaskan, and Native Hawaiian organizations.

With these awards, IMLS recognizes the importance of supporting libraries and cultural centers in First Nations and Tribal communities, said IMLS Director Crosby Kemper. The importance of cultural learning is essential in all communities, but it is critical to embrace and honor the precious and unique heritage of Native communities. These Native American and Native Hawaiian grants expand and enhance literacy programs, language preservation, community storytelling, and digital access.

Native American Library Services Basic Grants support existing library operations and maintain core library services. These non-competitive grants are awarded in equal amounts among eligible applicants. Grants totaling $1,297,411 were awarded to 117 Indian Tribes, Alaska Native villages, and other regional and village corporations.

Native American Library Services Enhancement Grants assist Native American Tribes in improving core library services for their communities. Enhancement Grants are only awarded to applicants that have applied for a Native American Library Services Basic Grant in the same fiscal year.

IMLS received 27 applications requesting $3,470,682 and was able to award $3,096,553 to 23 Tribes in 11 states. This years awarded grants will advance the preservation and revitalization of language and culture, as well as educational programming and digital services.

Native Hawaiian Library Services Grants are available to nonprofit organizations that primarily serve and represent Native Hawaiians so they can enhance existing or implement new library services. IMLS received eight applications requesting $1,187,718 and awarded $859,036 to six organizations serving Native Hawaiians.

Some examples of awarded projects include:

For more information about upcoming grant opportunities, please visit the IMLS website.


Filed under: Associations and Organizations, Awards, Digital Collections, Digital Preservation, Funding, Interviews, Libraries, News, Open Access, Preservation

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IMLS: $5.2 Million Awarded to Strengthen Library Services for Tribal Communities, Native Hawaiians - LJ INFOdocket

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