UN Agency Launches Cryptocurrency Cybercrime Training – CoinDesk

The United Nations agency dedicated to fighting drug trafficking and organized crime has developed a new cryptocurrency training program.

The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) revealed its "Cryptocurrency Investigation Train-the-Trainers" this week, partnering with law enforcement officials from 22 countries on the sessions.

What's happening: According to UNODC which has taken part in similar discussions in the past the initiative is centered around "[conducting] bitcoin tracing as a part of a wider financial investigation".A follow-up training was specifically dedicated to improving institutional knowledge of the tech.

The agency also worked with blockchain analytics startup Chainalysis to develop the program.

"It's thanks to donor Governments such as the UK, USA, Norway that UNODC GPML has been able to develop and deliver this innovative course," Neil Walsh, UNODC's point person on cybercrime, said of the venture.

The bigger picture: With the launch of the trainings, yet another UN agency is expanding into blockchain.

As CoinDesk has previously reported, various elements of the UN are testing the tech to see if it can help withsending remittances, delivering financial aid and endingchild poverty, among other areas.

Some of those UN agencies are even moving toward more collaborative efforts, signaling that the organization sees a positive role for blockchain in its global operations.

Disclosure: CoinDesk is a subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which has an ownership stake in Chainalysis.

Image Credit:Arsenie Krasnevsky/Shutterstock.com

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UN Agency Launches Cryptocurrency Cybercrime Training - CoinDesk

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