The top cryptocurrency Discord groups to join – Yahoo Sports

As cryptocurrency gains more followers, platforms such as Telegram, Reddit, and Discord have risen in popularity as well, being major driving forces in crypto evangelism. In some cases, it is hard to tell that some of these platforms are not built purposely to facilitate community-led discussion for crypto projects.

That said, Discord is gradually growing into a beehive for crypto communities as it accommodates hundreds of subchannels for crypto enthusiasts. While there are several crypto Discord groups, the primary aim is to create a common ground where members can talk about cryptocurrency with one another.

More so, because most of these Discord groups are project-centric, they tend to focus on a niche aspect of the crypto industry. However, there are several others who also cater to diverse crypto-related topics ranging from DeFi, to NFT, Metaverse, and many more. In this article, we will list some of the best cryptocurrency Discord groups to join.

However, just before we proceed, what should be expected of an average cryptocurrency Discord group? Well, the end goal is similar to other community-led platforms like Telegram and Reddit. Notably, people join such groups for various reasons including educational purposes, Market information/trends, project updates and most importantly to meet and interact with like-minded people.

Discord allows people to host a chat room on what it refers to as servers. By hosting on the server, a chat host can send an invite to other people who can join the group via a sharable link.

Also, by joining the chat room, members can invite others, and interact with each other using text or voice chat. Technically, the app combines the voice chat feature of services likes of Skype, with the text feature of internet relay chat (IRC) and messaging services like WhatsApp.

Aside from being an invite-only channel, Discord offers one of the best feedback systems, and also allows for customisation. Notably, each community bunches a collection of distinct channels, to which people can be invited or join based on preference. More so, each custom channel is governed by special rules and focuses only on specific topics (except a few occasion, where it is generalised to cater to diverse topics).

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With surging interest in the crypto space, as well as the growing number of crypto tokens, it is highly necessary to join a community where updates about the latest innovation, happenings, and arising concerns are being shared. That said the Cryptocurrency Discord channel is an interactive forum that provides adequate information while allowing members to participate in the in-depth conversation.

In addition, members (regardless of their level of expertise) get to access basic tips about trading and investment. However, the channel, just like most others do not take responsibility for any losses incurred from sharing tips as they are only advisers. Members who proceed to take advantage of the tips are doing so at their own risk.


As the decentralised economy continues to grow and expand, it is important to harmonise like-minded people, and thats pretty much what this Discord channel does.

Also, in addition to uniting those who share the same ideology, members of this group discuss other topics, particularly relating to the future of decentralised tokens. Likewise, members are set to disrupt the existing centralised economy across different sectors including politics, fiscal, and economic systems worldwide.

Elite Crypto Signal

Just like the name implies, this Discord channel boasts some of the oldest crypto investors in the market. The channel was created in 2018 with the intention of gathering members who can help one another to make profits from trading cryptocurrencies.

With some having up to a decade of crypto trading experience, the channel provides signals based on technical analysis and market outlook. In addition, the host team provides training for members at a relatively affordable rate.


This Discord channel is dedicated to people who are interested in the pump and dump scheme. Members are provided with a chance to maximise their profits by bulk-investing in a project for the short term.


This channel focuses on entry-level, or beginners in the crypto space. Notably, the platform is known for providing 100% free and genuine guidance to help its users navigate the crypto space as seamlessly as possible. The channel also helps in directing its members to the perfect trustworthy destinations for crypto exchanges as well as communities.

The top cryptocurrency Discord groups to join - Yahoo Sports

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