How and where do I report Cryptocurrency coin-to-coin …

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Pleasesee this FAQ with more details:

Reporting cryptocurrency is similar to reporting a stock sale. You'll need to report your cryptocurrency if you sold, exchanged, spent or converted it.

You have to do this for every trade you made. If you bought coins at different prices or sold partial amounts, then you have to keep track and record the difference of what you sold. Cryptocurrency exchanges are not required to provide a 1099-B or summary tax statement for cryptocurrency transactions. Its your responsibility to keep records of your transactions. The most common way to do this is to download your order or trading history from your exchanges website. You may need to do this a few times throughout the year due to limits on how far back you can get information.

Once you have your figures:

There's an upload limit of 250 cryptocurrency transactions in TurboTax. If you have more than that, youll need a transaction aggregator. Well walk you through that in the cryptocurrency section.


See more here:
How and where do I report Cryptocurrency coin-to-coin ...

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