Trading cryptocurrency simply involves changing one cryptocurrency to another cryptocurrency or changing crypto to local money or Fiat. On the other hand, cryptocurrency trading also covers the buying and selling of any crypto or coins and exchanging to the fiat of ones choice.
To trade crypto assets, the first thing you need to do is to ensure you have a wallet where you can keep any cryptocurrency youll be purchasing from any crypto exchange platform like Remitano, Coinbase, Binance, etc. The first stage of trading cryptocurrency is creating an account. The essence of creating an account is to show interest and also give you the platform to get your cryptocurrency wallet.
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These are platforms that allow the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies. There are centralized and decentralized platforms, but the bests are always decentralized. The decentralized platforms are controlled by multiple systems (meaning there is no single computer controlling it). These platforms allow you to buy and sell cryptocurrency and as well as store them in your wallet.
Read this article about decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges (DEX) to gain more insight into decentralized exchanges.
Exchanges charge traders a fee for allowing you to trade cryptocurrencies. The average fee per trade is 0.1% of each trade executed on the platform. Billions of dollars worth of crypto assets are traded every day. Lucky traders and early adopters have made it big from trading cryptocurrencies, and it is now their full-time job.
From my experience, there are basically two types of cryptocurrency trading; short term trading and long term trading. Now lets look at these types of trading.
This refers to buying cryptocurrency at a low price only to hold for a short time before selling at a marginal profit. Trading time can be between minutes to months.
The idea is simple; you buy a coin because you think the price will increase in a short time and then sell it for a quick profit.
This guide on day trading will help you become an expert at short term trading.
Long term holding refers to the act of holding a particular crypto asset for a very long time, years to be precise. The word HODL which means Hold on For Dear Life originates from long term trading. The idea of long term trading is to hold crypto assets for a very long term regardless of the volatility with the hope that it will increase by a significant factor after years of holding.
Fluctuations are the most significant problem that cryptocurrency traders face. Trading cryptocurrencies have many benefits, but before you trade, you must be aware of the risks involved in trading. Below are some of the cryptocurrency-related risks.
Cryptocurrency fluctuates: There is no fixed price over a fixed period for cryptocurrency. This means the worth of a cryptocurrency today can change tomorrow. The change can be slow or rapid, but it is quite unusual for cryptocurrency value to drop heavily. Most times, whenever it drops, it is always little, and theres still a time when it will pump (cryptocurrency increases).
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Cryptocurrency is not regulated: The bank and government are not in control of these digital assets. However, people are paying more attention to it because of its usefulness and how it is becoming generally accepted across the globe.
Security risks: There can be cryptocurrency mistakes, and cryptocurrency can be hacked: Sometimes, avoiding obstacles as a result of technical failures might be difficult. Hackers can also hack into cryptocurrencies and toy with it.
The best way to avoid issues with cryptocurrency is to get as much information as possible before starting.
READ: How to buy and sell Bitcoins in Nigeria
There are quite a number of people that are concerned about the best trading platforms to use for their transactions. There is no need to worry about that.
This article will highlight some of the top and best cryptocurrency exchange platforms you can use for trading. There are a lot of other platforms out there, and finding the best should be the aim. Below is a streamlined list of five cryptocurrency trading platforms that are safe and trusted.
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This is the most recommended trading platform for both beginners and experts. The platform is a P2P escrowed marketplace that makes buying and selling of cryptocurrency and trading to local currency easier and faster. You are connected with buyers or sellers (depending on what you want to do), and the transaction goes on safely.
Coinbase is one of the best platforms for trading. It is highly secured and easy to use for trading leading cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others. Coinbase has APIs that allow developers to link with third-party apps and trading platforms. Coinbase is on this list because it is easy to use, highly secure, and fees are low.
Kraken is on the list because it is an old and consistent cryptocurrency platform that allows funding from diverse options. This platform is super cool for beginners because it makes the onboarding process easier.
BItfinex is a good platform for all trading necessities. If you are already learned and good with trading, you will find this cryptocurrency exchange valuable. Beginners might find the interface complicated, but it supports different cryptocurrencies.
This is a reliable platform for multiple cryptocurrencies. You can also make deposits from your local bank (credit card or any other option that suits you). The multiple payment option and high security, state compliance with regulatory organizations are top reasons why you should consider the platform. You can also track your investments with their developed reports.
The primary reason why cryptocurrencies are ideal for trading is because of the fluctuations. There are cases where youll have more profits due to the price when you bought the cryptocurrency, and you experienced an increase in the long run (that means youre making a profit). Also, the opportunity to buy cryptocurrencies when theyre cheaper or at the prices that are convenient for you and sell off when you realized theyve increased in value makes cryptocurrency ideal for trading.
It is an undisputed fact that the income coming from crypto trading might not be as huge as you might have envisaged, however, the more the value of the cryptocurrency youre holding or trading, and the longer you hold your cryptocurrency, the more your chances of cashing out big.
The price is influenced by the economic factor of demand and supply. This is what the cryptocurrency traders use in balancing their portfolio. Cryptocurrency is just a different and unique investment form or opportunity.
Now that you understand everything about crypto trading, you can learn how to begin cryptocurrency trading in 2020.
Visit link:
Everything you need to know about Crypto Trading - Nairametrics
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