Cryptocurrency Statistics and Trends 2024 Forbes Advisor UK – Forbes

Cryptocurrency is an extremely high-risk and complex investment. Dont invest unless youre prepared to lose all the money you invest. You are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong.Forbes Advisor has provided this content for educational reasons only and not to help you decide whether or not to invest in Cryptocurrency. Should you decide to invest in Cryptocurrency or in any other investment, you should always obtain appropriate financial advice and only invest what you can afford to lose.

(including market capitalisation and individual token price as of 21 May, 2024, CoinMarketCap)

Price: 55,789

Market Cap: 1.09 trillion

Bitcoin price

Price: 2,893

Market Cap: 347 billion

Price: 0.78

Market cap: 87 billion

Price: 487.61

Market cap: 71 billion

Price: 0.45

Market Cap: 23 billion

Trading volume data provided by crypto exchanges is not necessarily an accurate indicator of trading activity as some exchanges have inflated their numbers in order to raise the profile of the exchange and draw in new investors. (Source: Investopedia and

As of February 2022, 10% of UK adults were estimated to hold or to have held some form of crypto asset (UK GOV):

*HMRC survey conducted between 15 February and 22 June 2021

According to a survey from, conducted in November 2022, a higher percentage of 38% of cryptocurrency investors have reported to lost money rather than profited, 28% say they made a profit, and only 13% broke even.

Be mindful, past performance is not an indicator of future results. Cryptocurrency is an extremely high-risk investment. Should you decide to invest in cryptocurrency, you should always obtain appropriate financial advice and only invest what you can afford to lose.

1 260: 40%

260 1,000: 5%

1,001 9,999: 7%

1 260: 25%

260 1,000

1,001 9,999: 13%

10k+: 6%

1 260: 25%

260 1,000: 13%

1,001 9,999: 15%

10k+: 12%

1 260: 18%

260 1,000: 17%

1,001 9,999: 11%

10k+: 3%


Cryptocurrency is unregulated in the UK. The UK regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, has repeatedly warned investors that they risk losing all their money if they buy cryptocurrency, with no possibility of compensation.

Cryptocurrency Statistics and Trends 2024 Forbes Advisor UK - Forbes

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