Boston Fed Bank explores cryptocurrency with MIT – Boston Herald

The Boston Fed is toying with a digital dollar.

The Hubs Federal Reserve Bank is teaming up with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study the blockchain technology that enables cryptocurrency to be traded. And, based on the latest figures, the currency is red hot.

Were not building this for tomorrow, were building this for future years, said Jim Cunha, senior vice president at the Boston Fed.

Boston Fed Assistant Vice President Robert Bench is working for Cunha to rip apart what makes cryptocurrency sold as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and more be so successful.

The idea, both explained, is to leverage the cutting-edge technology and determine if government-backed currency can be dollars, cents and Bitcoin.

Were really trying to understand what the technology can offer and if its a path wed like to go down, Cunha told the Herald. I liken it to the early days of the internet when opinions varied on the longevity of the medium.

We know how that story played out.

Now cryptocurrency is on the upswing as some questions about the dollar bill spread with fears of the coronavirus. As of Friday evening, one Bitcoin was selling for $11,785 up 27.51% over the past month, according to the Coinbase app.

But dont toss your paper money just yet, Bench said.

When youre dealing with something as high stakes as the U.S. dollar, you cant break it, Bench said. Part of the great success of the U.S. technology sector has been its ability to move fast and break things, ideally at fairly low stakes. Within something as important as the U.S. dollar, we need to move fast, but deliberately, because this is the highest possible stakes.

China and Sweden are also investigating cryptocurrency. Facebooks Libra project is also generating a lot of buzz.

Cunha and Bench say the positives compel them to look deeper into the technology. For starters, nobody has hacked Bitcoin, its very simple to use and shows the power of technology. Plus, both see a future where currency and cryptocurrency can co-exist.

We need to think of a futuristic goal, said Cunha, who added Boston is leading the way.

Other benefits, Bench said, would be transferring money overseas would be cheaper, and it could also speed government transfers of money to individuals and prevent private sector monopolies on digital currencies.

Boston Fed Bank President Eric Rosengren is also backing the research.

Other members of the team include capital markets expert Tyler Frederick, Anders Brownworth, who taught MITs first blockchain course, and James Lovejoy, a blockchain engineer from MITs Digital Currency Initiative.

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Boston Fed Bank explores cryptocurrency with MIT - Boston Herald

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