UTC College Of Engineering And Computer Science Holds 7th Annual Technology Symposium – The Chattanoogan

Research projects by students from area high schools and Cleveland State Community College will compete alongside those of University of Tennessee at Chattanooga students at the seventh annual UTC Technology Symposium on April 15, and the public is invited to check them out.

Sponsored by the UTC College of Engineering and Computer Science, the daylong symposium will begin with a keynote address from UTC alumnus Greg Heinrich, TVA vice president of transmission operations and power supply.

Judges from more than 40 high-profile companiesTVA, Stantec, EPB, Amazon, American Express and Netflix among themwill review and assess the submissions, in addition to visiting with participating students. Project topics include identifying aging-related genes from muscle gene expression data; the performance of congressional stock portfolios: impact of socioeconomic status on education; and fraud detection in financial transactions using machine learning.

More information about the symposium and schedule of events is on the CECS website at utc.edu/tech-reg.

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UTC College Of Engineering And Computer Science Holds 7th Annual Technology Symposium - The Chattanoogan

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