University of South Dakota Launches Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence –

{KXLG Vermillion, SD} The University of South Dakota (USD) has announced the launch of a new Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence (M.S. in AI) program aimed at preparing students to be leaders in the rapidly evolving field of AI. Approved by the South Dakota Board of Regents during their June meeting, this cutting-edge program will equip graduates with advanced knowledge and practical skills in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and related disciplines.

The M.S. in AI program at USD is designed to blend theoretical foundations with hands-on experience. Students will explore machine learning, computer vision, intelligent systems, robotics, and agent-based systems. Additionally, they will explore knowledge discovery, data mining, and the ethical use of AI. By combining rigorous coursework with practical applications, graduates will be well-prepared for leadership roles in AI research, development, and implementation across diverse industries.

Dr. KC Santosh, Department of Computer Science Chair, emphasized the program's commitment to cutting-edge knowledge. "Our curriculum provides students with the latest advancements in AI," said Dr. Santosh. "But it's not just about technology. We also focus on critical thinking, reasoning, and ethical considerations. As the only public liberal arts institution in the state, we're dedicated to ensuring that AI technology is developed and deployed ethically and responsibly."

The rise of AI-centered technology has led to a surge in job opportunities. Companies and startups worldwide are investing significantly in AI research and development. According to a recent Bloomberg Intelligence report, the AI market is projected to grow from $40 billion in 2022 to a staggering $1.3 trillion within the next decade. The World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs 2023 report predicts a 39% growth rate for AI and machine learning specialists over the next five years.

USD's M.S. in AI program aims to meet this demand and cultivate leaders in the field. Graduates will be equipped to drive innovation and economic growth in South Dakota and beyond. They will be crucial in integrating AI systems across various sectors, including healthcare, finance, agriculture, and manufacturing. President Sheila K. Gestring highlighted the program's impact: "This legacy of preparing leaders who use their liberal arts education to make a difference extends to our AI graduates. They will shape the future of AI, ensuring its responsible and impactful application."

For more information about USD's M.S. in AI program, visit USD's official website.

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University of South Dakota Launches Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence -

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