Transformation Through Innovation: Broadening Participation in … – University of Arkansas

About this Event

Join us for the second event in our Institute's Speaker Series featuring Dr. Trina L. Fletcher: Transformation through Innovation: Broadening Participation in Engineering and Computing Education

This event is sponsored by the Institute for Integrative and Innovative Research.

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Engineers and computer scientists play a critical role in our ability to be innovative and positively impact the workforce, economy, and society. Over the past 20 years, the number of degree programs and research funding within engineering and computing education has risen alongside increased spending and programmatic efforts in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education at the K-12 level. Yet, enrollment and degrees attained by diverse groups have remained stagnant or declined. Dr. Fletcher argues that engineering and computing education should elevate the notion of transformation through innovation to move the needle for student academic success and persistence. This talk will take a journey along Dr. Fletchers path, personal and professional, covering experiences from industry and the non-profit sector that she incorporates throughout her STEM READi Lab research portfolio. Knowledge of how she uses asset-based strategies such as equity-centered collaborations, industry-proven best practices, innovative approaches to problem-solving, and continuous process improvement (CPI) as a part of her contributions to transforming engineering and computing education will be shared.

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Transformation Through Innovation: Broadening Participation in ... - University of Arkansas

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