The 9th Heidelberg Laureate Forum is around the corner! – EurekAlert

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Credit: Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation

This September 1823, at the 9th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF), 200 young researchers in mathematics and computer science will spend a week of scientific exchange with the recipients of the disciplines most prestigious prizes: the Abel Prize, ACM A.M. Turing Award, ACM Prize in Computing, Fields Medal, the Nevanlinna Prize as well as its continuation, the IMU Abacus Medal. Below are a few highlights of the upcoming program of the HLF as well as a breakdown of how to cover this unique event.

More than 25 laureatesHaving over 25 groundbreaking and award-winning researchers in mathematics and computer science in one venue is not only a thrilling prospect for the next generation of scientists attending the 9th HLF, but for anyone who has an interest in these subjects and the pioneers they have produced. Livestream their lectures and panel discussions on the HLF homepage or catch them at your leisure on our YouTube channel, which is regularly updated.

200 of the brightest young minds in their fields The HLF provides 200 selected young mathematicians and computer scientists from all around the world the opportunity to engage and exchange ideas with a vast network of peers and laureates from diverse backgrounds, all brimming with enthusiasm. Find out what drives the young researchers, what motivated them to pursue a career in mathematics or computer science and what they see as the greatest challenges of today. Leading up to this years HLF, we will shine a light on a select few of these young researchers in our HLFF Spotlight series, which will feature weekly releases on our HLFF Blog as well as several podcast episodes. Be sure to also check out some of the fascinating Spotlight articles and episodes from past HLFs!

Hot Topic of the 9th HLFHeadlining the week will be the Hot Topic, which this year will center on a subject of great interdisciplinary and public interest: Deep Learning Applications and Implications. A panel of laureates and various experts will discuss this revolutionary field at length, with much attention on the potential applications as well as some of the ethical implications and unanswered questions inherent to the technology. The week will also feature panels focusing on fascinating issues such as Science Communication and Post-Quantum Cryptography. A full overview of the scientific program can be found on the HLFs website.

Interactive coverageBroad, up to date coverage will be made available on the HLFF Blog thanks to a team of bloggers that will focus on various program aspects. You can also follow live coverage via Twitter @HLForum or by following #HLF22. The 9th HLF will also be accompanied by regular episodes of the HLFF Vlog, published regularly on the HLFs homepage and YouTube channel, featuring exclusive, behind-the-scenes glimpses of the program, laureates and attendees.

For more information, or if you have any questions regarding the 9th Heidelberg Laureate Forum, please contact:

Background The Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation (HLFF) annually organizes the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF), which is a networking event for mathematicians and computer scientists from all over the world. The 9th Heidelberg Laureate Forum will take place from September 18 to 23, 2022. The HLFF was established and is funded by the German foundation Klaus Tschira Stiftung (KTS), which promotes natural sciences, mathematics and computer science. The scientific partners of the HLF are the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) and Heidelberg University. The HLF is strongly supported by the award-granting institutions the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the International Mathematical Union (IMU) and the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (DNVA).

Press InquiriesNikolas A. MarianiNicole SchmittCommunicationsHeidelberg Laureate Forum FoundationSchloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33, 69118 Heidelberg, Germanymedia@heidelberg-laureate-forum.orgTelephone: +49 6221 533-384


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The 9th Heidelberg Laureate Forum is around the corner! - EurekAlert

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