[Ed. Note:We invited Valedictorians and Salutatorians at theeightpublichigh schools inthecommunities we coverto tell us a little about themselvesona questionnaire we provided.These are edited excerpts from the information provided by each student.]
Aman Choudhri Valedictorian
EXTRACURRICULAR:Played piano for 11 years and violin for 6 years.TutoredBriarcliff students in math andcoachedstudents at Yonkers Partners in Education for the SAT.Currentlyconducting research at IBM using a statistical technique called causal inference to determine better mechanical ventilation treatment strategies for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome.Spending this summer working as a software development intern with Columbia University Information Technology.
EXCEPTIONAL TEACHERS:In my experience, exceptional teachers have high expectations but believe firmly that each student can meet them. Theyre demanding yet supportive, and they care deeply about their students. Ive had the pleasure of being taught by many such teachers, but among the best areDr. Robert SaarandMs. Jamie Mandel.
PLANS:Columbia Universityto study Computer Science and Math. More broadly, I hope to focus my career on the use of data science in service of humanity.
WORDS OF WISDOM:Focus on balance. Make sure to work hard and take advantage of opportunities that come your way, but dont forget to relax!
Marlena KuhnSalutatorian
EXTRACURRICULAR: Member of the Academic Challenge trivia club, the New York State Math Honor Society, Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society, and the National Honor Society. Founder of the Inter-Generational Alliance, a volunteering club dedicated to strengthening our community by connecting high school students to residents of the local nursing home. Third-degree black belt in traditional Shotokan karate.
EXCEPTIONAL TEACHERS: An exceptional teacher is someone who prioritizes the students understanding. Ms. Lee was an exceptional AP Biology teacher. She made sure that I was comfortable taking the class as a sophomore (Marlena is graduating after her junior year), and she always was very approachable.
PLANS: NYU to major in biology, and I plan to become a doctor.
WORDS OF WISDOM: I do not feel qualified to give advice to my peers, but I hope that they take the mistakes they made in high school as lessons for the future. To underclassmen, remember that life continues after high school. Working hard now can set you up to have more fun in the future.
Nancy LiSalutatorian
EXTRACURRICULAR: Varsity Girls Tennis Varsity Girls Squash. Treasurer of schools Asian Club, secretary of Chemistry Club, and managing editor of Briars and Ivy, the schools literary magazine. I play the piano and am involved in planning events for the local library.
EXCEPTIONAL TEACHERS: An exceptional teacher is one who truly understands his or her students and is willing to be flexible with his or her lessons. He or she listens to feedback well and varies class activities to keep students intrigued. Special shoutout to Dr. Saar, Ms. Dyer, Mrs. OBrien, and Ms. Fishman who always taught material in interesting ways and supported me through my academic journey.
PLANS: UCLA as a neuroscience major. Plans to go to graduate school and pursue a PhD.
WORDS OF WISDOM: I think the most important takeaway I have learned from high school is to not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Reach out to that new person, join that club you were thinking about, use the short time we have to grow independently.
Jolie Wasserman Salutatorian
EXTRACURRICULAR: Staff writer of our schools newspaper, the Briarcliff Bulletin, for all four years of high school. Editor-and-chief as a senior. Varsity tennis and track and field, co-creator of a volunteer tutoring service for students in our school district.
EXCEPTIONAL TEACHERS: There are many teachers who qualify for that exceptional standing, but Id like to recognize Samantha Fishman who was my ninth-grade English teacher. To this day, we are still quite close, and she is always there to listen to and talk about anything, from the trivial to deep conversations.
PLANS: Carnegie Mellon University to study either electrical and computer engineering or mechanical engineering.
WORDS OF WISDOM: Continue to keep an open mind in high school. High school presents more academic, artistic, athletic, and social freedom, so I would suggest exploring each in a responsible manner.
Maya Gardos Valedictorian
ExtracurricularCreator of Pucks Players, a program that engages middle schoolers with Shakespeare;Student Faculty Congress President;Politicalinternships withoffice of Assemblywoman SandyGalefand David Buchwald for Congresscampaign;Book Club President;Croton Academic Challenge Team Captain.
Exceptional EducatorsAn exceptional educator is passionate about what they teach and works to help students understand the importance and meaning behind their subject. John Bohuniek, U.S. History teacher, for always working to make history relevant;Donna Light-Donovan, Science Research and Biology teacher,for guiding me through my research project on the impacts of partisan media and showing me the possibilities of science;Joseph Merriam, for helping me to grow my love of Shakespeare and literature.
Post-GraduationYale University.Undecided about career path.
Words of WisdomTo underclassmen> Pursue what you are passionate about, not what you think looks good on a resume.To fellow graduates>Our learning journey has just begun!
Camilla Giorcelli Salutatorian
Treasurer and Representative for Croton Harmon High Schools Student Faculty Congress;
Varsity Volleyball Captain;Intern for Village of Crotons Sustainability Committee;
Croton Academic Challenge Team;Varsity Ski Team.
Exceptional EducatorsSomeone who goes above and beyond to make a connection with their students.AP Spanish teacher Seora Ballina enhanced my Spanish learning experience and supported me beyond academics. Ms. Cardellichio, AP Environmental Science teacher, taught me how important it is to care for the environment and made her class especially engaging. She inspired me to pursue Environmental Studies.
Post-GraduationStudying environmental studies and computer science at Washington University in St. Louis.
Words of WisdomTo underclassmen > Dont be afraid to ask for help and use the resources you are offered for support,academically or with mental health.
Madison Kivel Valedictorian
ExtracurricularGuiding Eyes for the Blind;Recycled Paws;Varsity Ski Team;HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America Future Health Professionals);Hispanic, Math, and National Honor Society.
Exceptional Educators
They are willing to give extensions, extra help, and guidance on an assignment or activity. Mr. Witkowich (AP U.S. History) and Dr. Hall (Biomed) as exceptional educators, dedicating their time and energy to the success of their students.
Cornell Universitys College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, majoringin animal science on a pre-veterinary track, andhope to attend Cornell Universitys veterinary school.
Words of Wisdom
To my fellow graduates and to underclassmen > Hard work and dedication throughout not only high school but for the rest of your life will pay off. You can accomplish anything that you set your mind to.
Indrani Malhotra Salutatorian
Co-Editor-in-Chief of school newspaperThe Anchor;helped create schoolsnew website;theater program;Hen Hud Leos,SEED club;othercommunity service organizations.
Exceptional EducatorsThey capture the excitement of learning, making it dynamic and interesting. Inspire a love for the subject in their students and foster a sense of community in their classroom. I have had amazing teachers like this every year.
Boston University to double major in International Relations and Environmental Analysis and Policy,inKilachand Honors College.Interested inenvironmental advocacy oradiplomacy-related field.
Words of WisdomTo my fellow graduates and underclassmen>Make the best of every moment, take advantage of every opportunity, and do the things that make you happy, in high school, college and beyond, because you never know what life might throw at you next.
Henry Demarest Valedictorian
EXTRACURRICULAR: Founding member, head programmer and team captain, Irvington Robotics Team, called the BulldogBytes,; Volunteer Fuller Center for Housing; President of IHSs chapter of National Honor Society, consul of the Latin Club, member of Science Olympiad and Academic Challenge teams.
EXCEPTIONAL TEACHERS: They know their subjects well, they create fun lesson plans, and they provide help outside the classroom. Most importantly, exceptional teachers truly care about their students. They are not afraid to put in extra time and effort to ensure that their students have the opportunity to succeed. I would like to noteMr. Barry, my AP US History teacher. I absolutely loved Mr. Barrys class he was extremely engaging and I knew that he cared about all of us every step of the way.
PLANS: Yale University to study mechanical engineering. I plan to either go to graduate school for engineering or go into industry, possibly in the aerospace field.
WORDS OF WISDOM: Find what you enjoy. Whether on my robotics team or in my volunteer work, I have always found myself to be most successful when Im really enjoying what I am doing. I would encourage younger high schoolers to explore different subjects, fields, and activities and figure out what you truly enjoy. It is in these areas that you will feel motivated to do your best work, and it is also these areas where you will have the most fun.
Esha Shenoy Valedictorian
EXTRACURRICULAR:Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Mentorship finalist & science research member; President & captain of the Academic Challenge team; President of the Science Olympiad Team; IEF Innovation Fund Grant Winner; Digital animator; Teaching assistant in biology, chemistry, and history.
EXCEPTIONAL TEACHERS:Someone who feels incredibly passionate about the subject that they teach and is able to impart that love of learning onto their students.Mr.MarkicandMs.Parikkawere my chemistry and biology/science research teachersrespectively, and are probably the reason I chose to pursue a science major. Not only did they go above and beyond when teaching difficult subject matter, but they are also some of the kindest people I have ever known.Mr. Fatawasmy history teacher forthe past three years. Hishumorand thoroughly researched lesson plans made his classes such a joy to attend. Finally,Ms. YeeandMs. Steuerare my Academic Challenge club advisors and have helped theteam immensely over the years.
PLANS:Rice Universityto study Health Sciences.
WORDS OF WISDOM:Find your niche and have the courage to pursue it!
XiaxiaSaavedra Valedictorian
EXTRACURRICULAR: Ossining Science research program studying Diabetes at Weill Cornell Medical College, President of Ossining Engineering Team, Ossining softball and soccer teams, National Honor Society, STEP Tutor
EXCEPTIONAL TEACHERS: Exceptional teachers take the time to push their students to succeed and help them find their passions. My science teachersMr. PiccirilloandMs. Holmesprovided me with constant encouragement throughout my high school career.Mr. Albrecht, Engineering teacher and team mentor, helped me grow as a leader and develop my love for engineering.
PLANS: The University of Chicago, to major in Biochemistry; on pre-med track, hope to study cardiology.
WORDS OF WISDOM:Make sure to have fun while taking advantage of every opportunity available to you and working hard for your future.
Linlee Mangialardi Salutatorian
EXTRACURRICULAR:Ossinings Science Research program studying metabolism in yeast;Captain on the cross country and track team;Head attorney on the mock trial team;student-life editor of the school newspaper; peer tutor;Co-President of the National Honor Society;member of the Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society;Senator Carluccis Student AdvisoryCommittee
EXCEPTIONAL TEACHERS:Supports your passions and wants you to be successful inside and outside the classroom; Science Research teachersMr. PiccirilloandMs. Holmesfor their persistent guidancethroughout my research,Ms. MannarinoandMs. Olinfor their encouragement.
PLANS:Georgetown University in Washington D.C., to major in biologyand pursue acareer in scientific research.
WORDS OF WISDOM:Always work hard and take advantage of the opportunities that are present it will always pay off eventually.
Luisa Urgiles Valedictorian
ExtracurricularLatino Culture Club;Girls Who Code Club;National Spanish Society;National Science Society;National Math Society;Computer Science Society.
Exceptional Educators
They make learning relevant to real-world activities. Thanks to Ms. Daniels, Ms. Pichardo, Ms. Santos, Ms. Veloz, Mr. Newby, Ms. McCarthy. They built nice relationships with their students, supporting them to succeed and aim for a great future.
I hope to attend Binghamton University to study computer science with a focus on cybersecurity, computer engineering or start pre-medical studies.
Words of WisdomTo my fellow students > Be who you are, dont think too much about what others might say or judge because those people will be everywhere, no matter what you do. Find friends who are truthful to you, because those are the people with which you will be making memories and great friendships.
Jilda Pauta Salutatorian
Extra-CurricularVice President of Science Honor Society;Secretary of Social Studies Honor Society;Treasurer of Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica;Math Honor Society;National Honor Society;English Honor Society;Concert Band;Mercy College STEP Program;TodaysStudentsTomorrowsTeachers;Teachers Assistant and Translator in CCD at Church of Assumption
Exceptional EducatorsOne who is patient, passionate, inspiring for students. AP Spanish Language and Culture teacher Mrs. Daysi Suerois veryeffective. Public Policy in Modern America teacher Mrs. Stephanie Ramirez keeps the class engaged. Entrepreneurship teacher Ms. Molly McCarthy pushes students to reach their full potential and taught me how to manage a full-time buisness.
Post-GraduationMarist College in Poughkeepsie, to major in Criminal Justice and minor in Psychology.
Words of WisdomPut in the time and effort to achieve your goals, and maintain a healthy balance between academics and social life.
Vaishali Miriyagalla Valedictorian
Girls Varsity Soccer; Jazz Band; Club Fit Swim Team; Neighbors Link volunteer; Yorktown Rehabilitation & Nursing Center volunteer.
Exceptional EducatorsSomeone invested in our well-beingandallowingstudentsto achieve their potential. I have had many amazing teachers at Lincoln Titus Elementary School, Lakeland Copper Beech Middle School, and Walter Panas High Schoolwho have impacted us in more ways than they realize.
Post-GraduationBowdoin College to study mathematics and physics,pursuinga liberal arts education,towards a career in Engineering.
Words of WisdomAs Benjamin Franklin said,Tellme and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. Get involved, experience things for yourself, and never stop learning.
Emily Attinger Salutatorian
ExtracurricularTheater company;science research at NewYorkBotanicalGarden;Girl Scouts;Venture Scouts;piano.
Exceptional EducatorsThey are supportive and make learning fun and engaging, like my AP U.S. history teacher Dr. Sandground. She was a tremendous help during my college application process and I always looked forward to her classes.
Post-GraduationRoyal Holloway, University of London, to double major in Criminology and Psychology. I hope to earn a doctorate and help the criminal justice system as a forensic psychologist.
Words of WisdomIts important to find a balance between schoolwork and personal time. Our brains need a breather sometimes and having a hobby or extracurricular can help you relax, recharge, and come back ready to work.
At press time, RJ had not received completed questionnaires from these students.
I know I speak for all of the faculty and staff in the district when I say how proud we are of Maya and Zach, saidSuperintendent Chris Borsari. Their hard work and dedication, along with the dedication of all of their incredible teachers, got them where they are today, and I wish them the best of luck in college and beyond.
Valedictorian Maya Weitzen
Salutatorian Zachary Rudder
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