Presenting the Gold Star to Jesse W. Thacker’s Family – Congressman Steve Cohen

Dear Friend,

This week, I presented the Gold Star citation to the proud son of World War II veteran Jesse W. Thacker who fought in the campaigns in Tunisia and Sicily and returned home to Tennessee in late 1944 after distinguished service. I also toured a refurbished shelter for our homeless and disabled veterans, announced plans to host a roundtable discussion on housing issues this Tuesday with a senior U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) leader; met with cancer care advocates; announced a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) fire prevention grant to the City of Memphis; congratulated the University of Memphis and a star Computer Science professor on being awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant; met with representatives of the National Federation of the Blind; and offered a Womens History Month-related set of health tips. Keep reading and follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to see what I am doing as it happens.

Presenting the Gold Star to Jesse W. Thackers Family

Touring Homeless and Disabled Veterans Shelter

Holding a Housing Issues Roundtable with HUD Regional Administrator

Meeting with West Cancer Foundation

Announcing City of Memphis Fire Prevention and Safety Grant

Congratulating the University of Memphis on Prestigious National Science Foundation Grant

Meeting with National Federation of the Blind

Weekly Health Tip

Quote of the Week

Presenting the Gold Star to Jesse W. Thackers Family

Mr. Bernis Dale Thacker, Congressman Cohen and Mr. Thackers daughter, Tina Collins.

On Wednesday, I presented the Bronze Star to Mr. Bernis Dale Thacker for his father, the late Jesse W. Thacker, a World War II veteran of the Tunisian and Sicilian campaigns. Jesse Thacker passed way in 1968 at the age of 45 but his son only recently discovered his 1944 discharge papers behind his portrait in a picture frame. The Gold Star citation is awarded to those who demonstrated heroic achievement in a combat zone. I am pleased to have played a role in securing this recognition for a proud Thacker family.

Touring Homeless and Disabled Veterans Shelter

From left: Vicki Azlin, Alpha Omegas director of development; PZ Horton III, Lt. Col., USAF (Ret.), Chairman, Board of Directors; Congressman Cohen; and Cordell Walker, executive director of Alpha Omega.

On Tuesday, I toured the new facility that Alpha Omega Veterans Services Inc. is refurbishing to expand its services for homeless and disabled veterans. They are doing great work with these deserving service men and women who need our support after serving our country.

Holding a Housing Issues Roundtable with HUD Regional Administrator

On Tuesday, I will host a roundtable discussion on housing issues with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Regional Administrator Jose Alverez and local stakeholders. I expect a lively and productive exchange of ideas and will report on its outcome to you next week.

Meeting with West Cancer Foundation

Left to right: Rachel Brown Community Outreach & Engagement; Lori Guyton Partner, On Brand Communications; Congressman Cohen; Leighanne Soden Executive Director; Steve Wishnia President, Board of Directors

On Tuesday, I met with representatives of the West Cancer Foundation, a group dedicated to advancing the fight against cancer by providing accessible patient resources, early detection and education, and community-based research to improve treatment and recovery outcomes. The Memphis-based nonprofit was founded in 2020 and is committed to developing collaborative partnerships and innovative patient-centered initiatives that remove barriers to cancer care. It was a productive meeting and I am glad that we have the foundation here in Memphis to guide patients through their treatments.

Announcing City of Memphis Fire Prevention and Safety Grant

Also on Tuesday, I announced a Fire Prevention and Safety Grant Award from the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) to the City of Memphis for $171,761. The program supports projects that enhance the safety of the public and firefighters from fire and related hazards.See my release here.

Congratulating the University of Memphis on Prestigious National Science Foundation Grant

On Thursday, I commended the University of Memphis Department of Computer Science and Professor Xiaolei Huang for winning a significant research grant to study data-driven health care from the National Science Foundation (NSF). See that release here.

Meeting with National Federation of the Blind

I met with Allison Donald and others from the National Federation of the Blind on Wednesday to discuss the Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act, the Software Applications Accessibility Act, and the Blind Americans Return to Work Act. Also attending a productive meeting were Craig McFarland and Teresa Williams.

Weekly Health Tip

During this Womens History Month, I am pleased to take note of important initiatives aimed at women. The National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences is calling attention to what it is calling a Womens Health Awareness campaign, promoting evidence-based community interventions to promote wellness, environmental health literacy, and environmental public health and advancing health equity by improving health care access and quality. Read about the institutes plans here.

Quote of the Week

We need, in every community, a group of angelic troublemakers. -- Civil Rights activist and March on Washington organizer Bayard Rustin, born on this day in 1910.

I wish all my friends, neighbors and constituents of Irish ancestry or not a very Happy St. Patricks Day.

Go Tigers!

As always, I remain.Most sincerely,

Steve CohenMember of Congress

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Presenting the Gold Star to Jesse W. Thacker's Family - Congressman Steve Cohen

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