Lior Cole Is The Model Combining Artificial Intelligence With Religion – British Vogue

When shes not modelling, shes developing Robo Rabbi, an artificial-intelligence project that taps into the teachings of the Torah. Think spiritual guidance via a computer. People look at computers as if they are calculators and are binary, but I like computers so much because there is this algorithm of giving advice and showing how A.I. has humanlike abilities, she says. They have a perspective now, and people dont see computing in that light. Cole began thinking about the project during Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year and a time of new beginnings. Robo Rabbi starts with a persons birth parsha a Torah portion with a lesson that corresponds to a persons birthday. From that, Cole developed a system that will give a challenge derived from the parsha that is intended to help the person strive to become their best selves. If a persons parsha focuses on giving back, Coles A.I. program will give the person a 10-day challenge that encourages a person to be charitable.

Cole explains that the Robo Rabbi taps into the boundlessness of A.I. Thanks to the GPT-3 A.I. technology a natural-language processor the parsha lessons and challenges come from the A.I. technology itself, allowing Cole to view herself as simply the messenger. Rarely does A.I. touch spirituality and religion, says Cole. I am doing other projects that touch into the sentient dimensions, but there has yet to be a computer that is entirely human, that is sentient, or has human abilities.

According to Cole, a computer having its own point of view isnt unheard of. There are computers that can mimic humanlike capabilities, Cole says. The technology has a perspective and is articulating that perspective of knowledge on the internet, so it isnt unique. Those opinions can be channeled into a medium like Robo Rabbi, which is meant as an enlightening teaching mechanism.

Coles other projects include a childrens book about computer science. I was looking at a childrens book for computer science, and it is math and coding centric. I am such a computer nerd, but I dont like coding, she says. Kids should be exposed to the more human side [of computers]. She is also creating a coffee-table book to train an A.I. algorithm to program its own art and is involved in a fashion collective at Cornell, where she is developing a digital model that will be available on the NFT marketplace. Her other A.I.-minded project? Well, that she signed an NDA for.

As for modelling, Cole wants to pursue it as long as possible and considers it another curious path for her to explore. When I was younger, I wasnt like, Oh, I want to be a computer scientist when Im older. I figured that out when I was in college, she says. And now that I got scouted, Im like, This is cool too!

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Lior Cole Is The Model Combining Artificial Intelligence With Religion - British Vogue

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