HOW TO BALANCE TECH AND ACADEMIA. A dilemma many of us in the tech space | by Vincent Favour | Jan, 2024 – Medium

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A dilemma many of us in the tech space face

As a passionate computer science student deeply immersed in technology, Ive grappled with the formidable challenge of balancing my academic pursuits with my tech-driven aspirations.

Its a dilemma many of us in the tech space face juggling exams, assignments, and classes while navigating work deadlines and meetings. Ive observed friends in my institution missing classes due to gigs and jobs, some are okay in their current state of living, asking what more academics can bring to the table when theyre already earning from their tech endeavors.

Its a struggle Im familiar with, but in the following sections, Ill share how Ive successfully navigated this delicate balance as a data enthusiast.

If youre reading this, congratulations. Your willingness to seek a solution shows reasonableness and determination. In the upcoming sections, Ill delve into the challenges of balancing tech and academics as an undergraduate and, more importantly, provide actionable keys to overcome these hurdles.

Firstly Some are in the initial stages of learning how to code, and navigating the complexities of a rapidly evolving tech landscape.

Secondly A unique cohort comprises individuals who are mastering coding skills and are simultaneously juggling additional jobs, aiming to earn income and gain valuable hands-on experience.

Lastly Some seasoned professionals have already achieved proficiency in their respective domains; their focus primarily revolves around securing jobs and building a sustainable income.

Balancing academic and tech pursuits is a formidable task, with distinct challenges that resonate with many readers. Among them, three distinct categories emerge, each facing its own set of challenges.

1. Juggling Academia and Coding: A Nine-Course Dilemma

Consider the scenario of students tackling diverse courses like Chemistry, Geography, Zoology, Petroleum Engineering, and Mathematics, while simultaneously immersing themselves in coding frameworks such as Angular and Vue. With a staggering load of nine courses per semester, the struggle to carve out time for coding amidst rigorous academic demands is palpable.

This predicament often forces a difficult choice whether to prioritize consistent growth in tech or to excel academically.

2. The Power Struggles: Running Through the Rain for Coding Time

Another hurdle is the persistent issue of power supply, a common concern for tech enthusiasts. Imagine a four-hour planned coding session in the afternoon can unravel when faced with electricity interruptions, leading to missed deadlines, job losses, and discouragement after the experiences of running through the rain in search of power.

3. Absence of Gadgets and the Learning Halt: A Pause Button on Tech Aspirations

The lack of essential gadgets, including laptops and reliable internet connections, impedes the progress of those eager to upskill in the tech field. This shortage often pushes individuals to temporarily halt their learning journey.

4. Not Setting Priorities Right: A Delicate Balancing Act

As tech enthusiasts walk the tightrope of balancing their coding passion with academic commitments, heres a scenario that hits close to home.

Imagine having a significant coding project lined up, and just around the corner, theres a week packed with tough exams. Its not just a balancing act; its a genuine challenge. The pressure is real.

Youre faced with the dilemma of managing both coding and studying during a critical time. Its a scenario that tests your ability to handle the stress of meeting coding deadlines while ensuring youre prepared for exams.

Its not for the faint-hearted, but for those navigating this path, its a clear illustration of the hurdles that come with simultaneously managing coding projects and academic responsibilities.

5. Lacking Honesty with Clients: A Dilemma for Job Seekers

Now, heres a common issue for those in category three the folks taking on jobs.

Picture this: you dont always spill the beans to your clients about being a student. Why?

Well, theres this fear that being a student might make them hesitant to hire you. So, you try to look as professional as possible without mentioning your student status. Its like walking a fine line between being honest and scoring that job.

This struggle highlights the challenge of trying to build a professional image while keeping academic commitments under wraps. Its a real puzzle for those trying to make a mark in the professional world while still dealing with the demands of student life.

7. Impatience and Peer Pressure: The Pitfall

Now, lets talk about something real. Some folks get impatient and feel the pressure to be like those online stars. They want quick success, and it can be overwhelming. What they might not realize is that many of those online gurus they look up to are already done with school like Ebenezer Don, Adora, and others.

The thing is, when you let impatience and peer pressure drive you, it can lead to some tricky situations. People might make decisions without thinking things through, and thats when things can go off track.


HOW TO BALANCE TECH AND ACADEMIA. A dilemma many of us in the tech space | by Vincent Favour | Jan, 2024 - Medium

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