Harvard team wins Boston Regional Datathon – Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

A team of four Harvard students won first place in Citadels Boston Regional Datathon, receiving a $20,000 prize and entry into the international Data Open Championship, which carries a grand prize of $100,000.

The team was comprised of Seth Billiau, A.B. 21, a statistics concentrator with a secondary in government, Sarah Lucioni, A.B. 21, a computer science and statistics concentrator, Dasha Metropolitansky, A.B. 22, a statistics concentrator with a secondary in computer science, and Maarten de Vries, A.B. 21, a statistics concentrator with a secondary in neuroscience.

COVID-19 was the theme of the Boston Regional Datathon, and the teams submission explored the relationship between public trust in government and excess mortality from COVID-19.

The Citadel Datathon is a prestigious data science competition where teams of undergraduate and graduate students are judged on their ability to discover and present groundbreaking insights from complex, real datasets.

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Harvard team wins Boston Regional Datathon - Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

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