Five from UC San Diego Elected to National Academy of Sciences – University of California San Diego

The National Academy of Sciences has elected five University of California San Diego professors to membership in the prestigious National Academy of Sciences, one of the highest honors bestowed on U.S. scientists and engineers.

Fan Chung of the Jacobs School of Engineering, Stephen Hedrick and Susan Kaech of the School of Biological Sciences, and Lisa Levin and Lynne Talley of Scripps Institution of Oceanography were among the 120 new members and 24 foreign associates elected to the academy in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research.

They join more than 100 living and deceased members of the UC San Diego faculty who previously had been named to membership in the academy, which was established by Congress in 1863 to serve as an official adviser to the federal government on matters of science and technology.

Major research universities use the number of academy members on their faculty as a benchmark by which to compare the strength of their scientific research and education programs among universities across the nation in different disciplines.

The election of five UC San Diego professors to the prestigious National Academy of Sciences is a truly remarkable distinction, said UC San Diego Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla. This recognition not only celebrates their individual scholarly excellence and visionary leadership, but also underscores the exceptional quality of our faculty, who are driving innovative, cross-disciplinary research that helps us tackle the most daunting challenges of our time.

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Five from UC San Diego Elected to National Academy of Sciences - University of California San Diego

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