Fast Five With Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center … – University of Arkansas Newswire

Six times a year the Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center publishes a newsletter of advice for first-year faculty at the U of A. Newsletters for spring 2023 are posted in partnership with the University of Arkansas Libraries and Special Collections using ScholarWorks, a nationwide repository for academic works. Advice is provided from faculty at the U of A in the newsletter to aid in a successful first year as a faculty member.

For February 2023 the theme was advice on how to overcome obstacles to engage in research and service. Contributors were Jack Kern, professor ofhealth, human performance and recreation; Rebecca Miles, clinical assistant professor of marketing;Molly Jensen, clinical associate professor of marketing;Carole Shook, teaching assistant professor of information systems; andPaul Calleja, associate dean for administration inthe College of Education and Health Professions. Accessthe newsletter.

For March 2023 the theme was advice from this year's teaching award winners on connecting with students. Contributors were Susan Gauch, professor of computer science and computer engineering;Hope Ballentine, teaching assistant professor in the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing; Heather Walker, teaching assistant professor of chemical engineering;Alex Nunn, assistant professorof law;and Jared Phillips, teaching assistant professor of international and global studies. Access the newsletter.

For April 2023 the theme was the value in mentoring honors students. Contributors were Molly Rapert, associate professor of marketing; Paul Adams, professor of chemistry/biochemistry and cellular and molecular biology;Kelly Sullivan, associate professor of industrial engineering; Kelly Way, associate professor of human environmental sciences; Rachel Glade, director of the Communication Sciences and Disorders Program;andNoah Billig, associate professor of landscape architecture.Access the newsletter.

The Cordes Center for Teaching and Faculty Support was founded in 1992. Numerous programs are offered each semester, both in person and on Zoom. The newsletter was designed to provide advice from campus teaching leaders to aid those who are new in academia or the U of A. For more information, visit the TFSC website

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Fast Five With Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center ... - University of Arkansas Newswire

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