Every Computer Scientist Must Read These Books | by Jans Notes … – DataDrivenInvestor

Books that computer scientists cannot avoid

Computer science, emerging out of the mathematics and physics departments, has become a vast field.

New technologies and frameworks come out in a weekly cycle. It can be hard to keep up with all of this.

Learning the fundamentals of computer science will give you a much needed breath of fresh air. These fundamentals wont ever change and can be applied to every new technology that emerges.

Here are three books that a computer scientists just cannot ignore.

The Art of Computer Programming is a seminal multi-volume work by Donald E. Knuth, often referred to as the Bible of computer science.

This series explores the fundamental algorithms, data structures, and mathematical concepts that form the bedrock of computer programming.

While this book contains the fundamentals, books written by Knuth can be daunting.

Bill Gates once said that if you finish the whole book series and understand everything, he will not hesitate to hire you.

My favorite quotes from the book:

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Every Computer Scientist Must Read These Books | by Jans Notes ... - DataDrivenInvestor

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