Assistant Professor with focus in Cybersecurity job with Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis | 372675 – The Chronicle of Higher…

Purdue School of Engineeringand Technology, IUPUI

Assistant Professor withfocus in Cybersecurity

The Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IndianaUniversityPurdue UniversityIndianapolis (IUPUI) invitesapplications for one tenuretrack position in the Department ofComputer Information and Graphics Technology. The start date isanticipated to be either January 1, 2022 or August 1, 2022.Applicants should have a strong record of research, showsignificant potential for establishing and sustaining an externallyfunded research program, be committed to teaching bothundergraduate and graduate courses, and mentoring M.S. and Ph.D.students.

We are particularly interested in applicants whose researchfocuses on Cybersecurity. Applicants whose research appliesCybersecurity to existing School strengths, such as IntelligentTransportation, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, and other areas ofintelligent systems are strongly encouraged to apply. A doctoratein Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering,or a related discipline focusing on Cybersecurity is required bythe start date of the position.

The Department of Computer Information and Graphics Technologyoffers several degrees, including a B.S. in Cybersecurity, an Cybersecurity and Trusted Systems, and also participates in theComputer Engineering Ph.D. program. The Purdue School ofEngineering and Technology at IUPUI has 7 academic departments withan extensive undergraduate and graduate degree portfolio, includingnumerous CAC, EAC, and ETAC of ABETaccredited B.S programs. TheSchool has over 3,000 students, including approximately 500graduate students pursuing either M.S. or Ph.D. programs.

As the states premier urban research institution, IUPUI iscommitted to being a welcoming campus community that reflects andenacts the values of diversity, equity and inclusion that informacademic excellence. We seek candidates who will not only enhanceour representational diversity but whose research, teaching, andcommunity engagement efforts contribute to diverse, equitable, andinclusive learning and working environments for our students,staff, and faculty. IUPUI condemns racism in all its forms and hastaken an antiracist stance that moves beyond mere statements tointerrogating its policies, procedures, and practices. We hope toidentify individuals who will assist in our mission to dismantleracism so that everyone has the opportunity to succeed atIUPUI.

Applications must include a letter of interest, curriculumvitae, and a summary of scholarship including research and teachinginterests, and contact information for at least threereferences.

Apply for this position at are welcome until the position is filled.

IUPUI is an EqualOpportunity/Affirmative Action educator and employer and affordsreasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities.

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Assistant Professor with focus in Cybersecurity job with Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis | 372675 - The Chronicle of Higher...

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