Cloud Storage Provides the Perfect Solution for Movie Fans – Geek Snack

These days, everyone seems to have their head in the cloud. More and more major players are joining the marketplace, leading some to predict that the cloud will bethe new battlefield for technology giants. Growing competition spells good news for consumers, leading to some great deals.

So how can you take advantage? Well, with providers offering 1 TB storage spaces for the price of a couple of cups of coffee a month, many movie fans see the cloud as the perfect way of creating their very own media server, allowing them tostore films and TV boxsets securely onlineto access whenever and from wherever they want.

Why choose the cloud?

If you want to be able to watch your favorite movies or TV shows on the go, the choice has always been to either burn DVDs onto your laptop, stream them online or buy and download them from an online provider like Amazon. All are serviceable options, but they come with limitations.

If you already own a collection, the last thing you want to do is buy them a second time or pay to stream them. And the problem with media files is they are so big burning them to your hard drive takes up immense amounts of space.

Also, what if you want to watch them on your tablet or smartphone? The complexity of burning them and the question of disc space both become even more of an issue.

Cloud storage solves all of these problems by providing you instant access to your entire collection, from any location and on any platform.

Which provider?

A crowded and competitive marketplace might be good news for getting a bargain deal, but it can leave the uninitiated unsure of where to start when it comes to choosing the best provider.

Ultimately,there arepros and cons to alland it largely comes down to personal needs and preferences. Dropbox was the original file sharing provider and provides a solid solution at a competitive price, but some might reasonably wonder how long it will be able to compete against the might of Google and Microsoft. If you already use Googles docs and Gmail service, then the Google drive interface will already be familiar to you, and has the benefit of working seamlessly alongside the rest of your Google apps, but then again the same can be said for Amazon Drive.

All of the major players provide a robust, secure platform with easy access and a good user interface. Choosing one is rapidly becoming as much a case of personal preference as choosing your favorite web browser or search engine. One thing is for sure, though as the popularity of cloud storage continues to grow, they will all be working harder than ever to win your business. So, what are you waiting for?

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Cloud Storage Provides the Perfect Solution for Movie Fans - Geek Snack

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