This document discusses pricing for Cloud Storage. For Google Drive, which offerssimple online storage for your personal files, seeGoogle Drive pricing.
If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency onCloud Platform SKUs apply.
Cloud Storage pricing is based on the following components:
As part of the Google Cloud Platform Free Tier, Cloud Storage provides resourcesthat are free to use up to specific limits. These usage limits are availableboth during and after the free trial period. If you are no longer in the freetrial period, usage beyond these Always Free limits is chargedaccording to the price sheet below.
Cloud Storage Always Free quotas apply to usage in us-west1,us-central1, and us-east1 regions. Usage is aggregated across these 3regions. Always Free is subject to change. Please see our FAQ foreligibility requirements and other restrictions.
The pricing tables below show what charges apply when using Cloud Storage.
For an example scenario that shows usage and charges, see theDetailed Pricing Example. For the Google Cloud Platform pricing calculator, seethe Calculator page.
Data storage costs apply to the at-rest storing of your data in Cloud Storage.Select the desired location from the drop-down list to see the data storagerates that apply in that location.
US (multi-region) EU (multi-region) Asia (multi-region) Iowa Oregon Northern Virginia South Carolina So Paulo Belgium London Frankfurt Netherlands Mumbai Montral Singapore Sydney Taiwan Tokyo
If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency onCloud Platform SKUs apply.
* Data stored in a multi-regional location cannot be storedas Regional Storage, and data stored in a regional location cannot bestored as Multi-Regional Storage.
Network charges apply when data is read from your buckets. This includescopying or transferring data to other services, such as other Cloud Storagebuckets. Network usage is divided into the following cases:
There are no network charges for accessing data in your Cloud Storage bucketswhen you do so with other GCP services in the followingscenarios:
Bucket-to-bucket network usage applies when you move or copy data from onebucket in Cloud Storage to another.
For a list of locations and regions you can use when creating a bucket, seebucket locations.
If you have chosen to use certain GCP network products, egresspricing is based on their pricing tables:
General network usage applies for any data read from your bucket that does notfall into one of the above categories.
US (multi-region) EU (multi-region) Asia (multi-region) Iowa Oregon Northern Virginia South Carolina So Paulo Belgium London Frankfurt Netherlands Mumbai Montral Singapore Sydney Taiwan Tokyo
You can view your current usage in thebilling details for your project.
Operation charges apply when you perform operations within Cloud Storage. Anoperation is an action that makes changes to or retrieves information aboutbuckets and objects in Cloud Storage.
Operations are divided into three categories: Class A, Class B, and free.Billing rates are per 10,000 operations. See belowfor a breakdown of which operations fall into each class.
If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency onCloud Platform SKUs apply.
1 When an operation applies to an object, the storage class of thatobject determines the operation cost. When an operation applies to a bucket,the default storage class that is set for the bucket determines theoperation cost. When listing buckets, the Class A Multi-Regional Storagerate applies.
The following table lists the operations that fall into each class. If youaccess Cloud Storage through the Google Cloud Platform Console or one of theCloud Storage client libraries, applicable operations are in the JSONAPI row. If you access Cloud Storage through gsutil, JSON API operations areused by default, but you may have configured gsutil to go through the XML APIinstead.
Because Google Cloud Storage Nearline and Google Cloud Storage Coldline are intended for storinginfrequently accessed data, there are additional costs associated withretrieving data or metadata stored in these classes, as well as minimumstorage durations that you are charged for.
A retrieval cost applies when you read data or metadata that is stored asNearline Storage or Coldline Storage. This cost is in addition to anynetwork charges associated with reading the data.
A minimum storage duration applies to data stored as Nearline Storage orColdline Storage. You can delete the file before it has been stored forthis duration, but at the time of deletion you are charged as if the filewas stored for the minimum duration. These charges are billed throughearly delete SKUs.
If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency onCloud Platform SKUs apply.
For example, suppose you store 1,000 GB of Coldline Storage data in the USmulti-regional location. If you add the data on day 1 and then remove it onday 60, you are charged $14 ($0.007/GB/mo. * 1,000GB * 2 mo.) for storage from day 1 to 60, and then $7($0.007/GB/mo. * 1,000 GB * 1 mo.) for 30 daysof early deletion from day 61 to 90.
Early deletion charges apply when you overwrite or move an existing objectbefore the minimum storage duration, because both actions delete the originalfile. In the case of moving an object, data retrieval charges also apply,since the original file must be copied to its new location. In both overwritesand copies, normal storage costs apply to the object that results from theoverwrite or copy.
For example, if you create a Nearline Storage object and 10 days later youoverwrite it in order to change its storage class to Regional Storage, thisaction is considered an early deletion. You are charged for the remaining 20days of storage, and charges for storing the new Regional Storage version ofthe object begins as soon as the overwrite occurs.
Storage and network usage are calculated in binary gigabytes (GB), where 1GBis 230 bytes. This unit of measurement isalso known as a gibibyte (GiB).Similarly, 1TB is 240 bytes, i.e. 1024 GBs.
Storage charges are prorated to the sub-second for each object (with theexception of Nearline Storage and Coldline Storage data that is deletedor modified early, as described above). See Pricing examples, belowfor an example of prorated storage charges.
Charges accrue daily, but Cloud Storage bills you only at the end ofthe billing period. You can view unbilled usage inyour project's billing page in the Google Cloud Platform Console.
Storage charges are based on the storage class of individual objects,not the default storage class set on the bucket that contains them.
Custom metadata is accounted for in your monthlystorage and network usage. For example, for the custom metadata[NAME]:[VALUE], Cloud Storage counts each character in [NAME] and[VALUE] as a byte stored with the object and transferred in object requests.
For compressed objects that are transcoded during download, storagerates are based on the compressed size of the object. Egress rates arebased on the uncompressed size of the object.
For buckets with Object Versioning enabled, each archived version of anobject is charged at the same rate as the live version of the object.
Cloud Storage also has the storage classDurable Reduced Availability (DRA); however, it is recommended thatusers utilize Regional Storage in favor of DRA. Regional Storage has lowerpricing for operations but otherwise has the same pricestructure. Regional Storage also provides better performance, particularlyin terms of availability.
There are no extra costs for using the Storage Transfer Service; however, normalCloud Storage and external provider costs apply when using theStorage Transfer Service. See Storage Transfer Service pricing for a list of potentialcosts.
This example demonstrates how Cloud Storage prorates the storage costs ofyour data.
Say you store a 15 GB object in a Multi-Regional Storage bucket for 12 hours.Cloud Storage treats this as 0.5 days of storage, or 1/60 of a month (assuminga 30-day month). This storage incurs a charge of:
The following example shows a simple scenario that might apply if you are justgetting started with Cloud Storage. The data storage amount is the averageamount of data in your bucket over the course of the month.
Suppose you have the following storage usage pattern in a given month:
Your bill for the month is calculated as follows:
The following example shows storage usage that includes multiple storageclasses as well as bandwidth consumption that spans multiple tiers. For eachstorage class, the data storage amount is the average over the course of themonth.
Suppose you have the following storage usage pattern in a given month:
Your bill for the month is calculated as follows:
The use of this service must adhere to the Cloud Storage Terms of Serviceand Program Policies, as well as Google's Privacy Policy.
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Cloud Storage Pricing | Cloud Storage Documentation ...
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