What is a Cloud Server? | VMware Glossary

Companies large and small have multiple options when it comes to choosing the right cloud server option. The best cloud servers are optimized for specific needs and budgets. What works for a global enterprise might not be right for a mid-market company.

Cloud servers can be deployed in three primary types of clouds:

Public cloud: Cloud servers are most commonly deployed via the public cloud. In this scenario, a third-party provider owns and manages the servers and other infrastructure, and gives its customers access to on-demand computing services.

Private cloud: A company can host its own cloud servers privately and maintain control of their management and maintenance. These server resources are not shared with other organizations, but since they are in the cloud, they can be accessed remotely by any employee, typically through a company intranet or VPN.

Hybrid cloud: Public and private clouds can be combined with on-premises cloud servers and off-site cloud servers working together. This hybrid cloud environment gives companies more options and flexibility to maintain control and security when necessary. It also leverages public clouds when they must quickly expand to meet surges in demand.

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What is a Cloud Server? | VMware Glossary

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