What Do You Do Online? Survey Highlights Digital Habits Of Users Worldwide – Digital Information World

In case you didnt know, most of us spend a huge fraction of our lives staring at our devices but what is it that really takes up so much of our time?

Well, to help bring an end to the curious mystery, NordVPN has surveyed a number of global citizens representing different countries to see where they stand in terms of digital habits. And this is what they managed to gather so far.

Brazil led the pack, followed up closely by South Korea, Taiwan, and then Spain. Canada took the 11th position, beating out the United Kingdom at rank 13, which was closely followed by the US.

Here is a summarized version of what the study was able to conclude:

Well, first things first, youll find all of your bank details here. Secondly, relationship status and your address are other valuable information seen online. In the same way, your likes and dislikes along with your clothing size are other unique personal details that you are likely to come across when searching online.

Certainly, this study was a complete handful of insightful information for so many of us. The survey was commissioned by NordVPN where quotas were placed on a number of factors like age, address, and gender.

The time spent online was calculated through the average lifespan in a particular nation and its amazing to see how particular activities were measured individually.

Go here to read the rest:
What Do You Do Online? Survey Highlights Digital Habits Of Users Worldwide - Digital Information World

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