Supermicro High Performance Computing Solutions at Computex – Video

04-07-2012 08:19 Supermicro introduces Enterprise NVIDIA GPU Superblade Server which combines 20 Tesla GPU's in a 7U enclosure. This is the highest density Blaze Server based on GPU technology. The 2U GPU server combines 6 TESLA GPU's in a 2U box for customers with Graphic intensive requirements from their servers. The latest product is the MicroCloud with cloud optimised architecture where each server node is individually managed, deployed as needed. The modules are all based on Intel Sandybridge processor technology, bringing convenience and affordability to the server market. The 5U server is an 8-way MP server. This means that 8x Nehalem based CPU's inside one box. Each server can support up to 2T of memory. The next server is the Twin server, with either two or four systems into either 1U or 2U box. Lastly the Blade Servers have the same functionality enabling CPU intensive tasks, alternatively using the GPU array as described before for Graphical intensive tasks. - Credits - Host: FirstZoom Original Link :

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Supermicro High Performance Computing Solutions at Computex - Video

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