RightScale User Conference NYC 2011 – Paradigm Shifts in the Cloud – Video

21-06-2012 14:12 Darryl Eaton - Director of Product Management, RightScale Moving from traditional IT to the cloud involves a number of paradigm shifts at both the operational and architectural levels. How you build and manage your applications in the cloud requires a new way of thinking. For one, you don't fix a flaky server - you trash it while launching a replacement. And you don't maintain idle disaster recovery machines - you keep blueprints for those machines that you can spin up on the fly. By enabling you to "program" servers before they even exist, the cloud challenges you to think about IT service delivery in a novel way. We'll demonstrate how RightScale automation makes it easy to take advantage of the cloud's inherent agility.

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RightScale User Conference NYC 2011 - Paradigm Shifts in the Cloud - Video

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