What has the advent of cloud computing done to the speed of Tech … – Medium

The big three cloud providers or otherwise called Hyper scalers AWS, Microsoft Azure and GCP offer scalable computing for everyone, this means startups can massively take advantage of it which means shortage of compute power is not a hindrance for technological innovation.

Let me explain what I meanultra powerful, ultra reliable, ultra scalable and ultra secure cloud computing resources are available worldwide where there is internet available. This means businesses small and large can utilize the following benefits with a few clicks:

1 Rapid Elasticity: Cloud hosted application usage and traffic surges are not an issue for well load balanced applications. It allows for a new app service to climb from 0 users to a million with a few clicks and in seconds.

2Remote Connectivity, Global access and Collaboration: Cloud computing facilitates global collaboration by providing a centralized platform accessible from anywhere. This has led to increased collaboration on projects with teams distributed across the globe, fostering diverse perspectives and expertise. VPN tunnels and connections can be provisioned and can scale to thousands of simultaneous connections in seconds leading to availability of company resources to work from anywhere employees.

3 No server infrastructure planning required: Cloud computing allows businesses to scale resources up or down based on demand. This flexibility enables rapid development and deployment of applications without the need for extensive infrastructure planning.

4 No large upfront investments required: Cloud services usually follow a pay-as-you-use model, eliminating the need for large upfront investments in hardware, instead this has been replaced by cloud spend budgets. This cost efficiency empowers startups and small businesses to access advanced computing resources, fostering innovation across a broader range of organizations.

5 Test and Destroy enables rapid deployment: Cloud services provide developers with the tools to quickly prototype and deploy applications. This rapid development cycle allows for faster innovation and shorter time-to-market for new products and features.

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What has the advent of cloud computing done to the speed of Tech ... - Medium

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