Use cloud computing to accelerate GenAI adoption in healthcare with Microsoft AI – CIO

Certain healthcare organizations have been slow to embrace cloud computing despite its proven benefits, largely due to security concerns. But cloud caution will also likely hinder the healthcare sectors adoption of Generative AI (GenAI) applications. Healthcare IT leaders can make a business case to optimize the organizations cloud and GenAI investments to enable GenAI applications.

An experienced systems integrator paired with a hyperscaler such as Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Microsoft Azure can help healthcare IT leaders achieve these goals. This alliance can create a tailored package of ready-to-use, scalable infrastructure; a battery of cloud services; in-depth security; health-care specific platforms; and AI expertise.

How Cloud capabilities can satisfy GenAI requirements

Cloud computing offers a host of capabilities that directly enable GenAI applications:

Optimizing cloud environments for GenAI

To effectively deploy GenAI, healthcare IT leaders should consider the following steps to optimize their cloud environments:

How TCS accelerates cloud-based GenAI adoption for healthcare

An experienced systems integrator can simplify and accelerate these steps. TCS has a wealth of experience in systems integration, cloud optimization, and AI development. This includes:

The bottom line

By leveraging the expertise of a systems integrator like TCS, healthcare IT leaders can ensure their cloud architecture is optimized to enable and accelerate GenAI adoption.

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Use cloud computing to accelerate GenAI adoption in healthcare with Microsoft AI - CIO

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