New 5 Star Community Center will support veterans and community groups – SC Times

Following a move, a former St. Cloud business building is now a new community center to be used by veterans groups, the St. Cloud Police Department and other community groups.

The former 5 Star Plumbing, Heating and Air location at 1522 Third St. Nin St. Cloud is now 5 Star Community Center. Owner Dave Sherwood said the company donated the location after its move to Sauk Rapids.

Sherwood said he has several veterans in his familyand he saw them go through difficult times and need support. When he saw the work St. Cloud Stand Down does, he was impressed with the program.

"It was a really easy choice for me to make," Sherwood said of the building donation.

St. Cloud Stand Down is a non-profit veterans organization formed in 1998 that focuses on providing resources to veterans, including providing clothes and necessities, haircuts, meeting spaces, connections and help accessing assistance.

More: St. Cloud Stand Down sharpens focus on serving female veterans with new boutique

Bob Behrens, president of St. Cloud Stand Down, said the organization's presence at the building will be relatively minimal because the group already has a location at 724 33rd Ave. N, across from the former Electrolux building. However, he said the new community center will "be very well utilized" by the police department, veterans organizations and the community.

St. Cloud Stand Down owns the building, but the St. Cloud Police Department will manage the community meeting rooms in the basement and the Disabled American Veterans Organization will have a drop site for its clothing donation program in the back portion of the main floor. The main level also has space for veterans groups and community groups to meet, and will be managed by St. Cloud Stand Down.

St. Cloud Police Department Sgt. Tad Hoeschen said the department plans to use the space for community engagement work in the neighborhood. That could mean hosting neighborhood meetings, doing outreach with local businesses and community members, hosting parent education or working with other community partners.

"Honestly, the sky's the limit," Hoeschen said.

The community center won't be occupied like the COP House is, but Hoeschen said it's an another opportunity to "meet people where they're at."

"This is just one more option for us," Hoeschen said.

More: St. Cloud Police Department makes strides in community policing

The building was signed over to St. Cloud Stand Down in the summer, while Sherwood was in the hospital with a serious case of COVID-19 that he didn't expect to outlive. He signed the paperwork from the hospital, he said.

"I wanted to make sure no matter what happened to me, we got the place (taken care of)," he said.

Sarah Kocher is thebusiness reporter for the St. Cloud Times. Reach her at 320-255-8799or Follow her on Twitter @SarahAKocher.

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New 5 Star Community Center will support veterans and community groups - SC Times

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