June 2023 Clover Park School District Board Review The … – The Suburban Times

The district honored its 30 retirees at its annual Retirement Reception before the school board meeting on Monday, June 12. Superintendent Ron Banner and School Board Vice President Carole Jacobs were part of the ceremony to celebrate each retiree in attendance.

During itsJune 12 board meeting, the school board heard a report from Superintendent Ron Banner.

In his report, Banner discussed student achievement, staff celebration and policy review.

As part of the Individual Action Agenda, the Board of Directors:

The next regular meeting of the school board will be Monday, July 10, at 6 p.m.

The school board held planning meetings onJune 26andJune 27. Itengaged in equity training and heard reports on a variety of topics, including the 2023-24 school year budget, supporting social emotional learning, the districts Accountability Plan and the districts Academic Improvement Committee.

Equity Training

The board began its planning meeting with equity training led by Jahmad Canley, president and CEO of Potential Unleashed Consulting. Canley discussed race and racism at individual and systemic levels.The board participated in small group activities to discuss the materials presented.

2023-24 Budget Update

Executive Director of Finance and Business Services Greg Hart provided an update on the 2023-24 school year budget development process. He discussed enrollment projections and trends, the beginning fund balance, revenues, expenditures and community input.

The district conducted a survey earlier this year to identify budget priorities for community members. In total, 243 community members participated in the survey and identified safety and security, smaller class sizes and classroom resources as budget priorities. Hart concluded his presentation with an example of how schools can be staffed differently based on need.

CPSD will host a public budget hearing on July 10, and the board will vote on a recommendation to adopt the budget at the July 10 regular meeting.

Supporting Social Emotional Learning

Director of Teaching and Learning Suzy Kontos provided an update on the implementation of social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum in CPSD. Kontos discussed student perception data regarding SEL and reviewed current distrit curriculum.

Student perception survey data helped identify seven areas of focus for SEL curriculum: future orientation, belonging and identity, self-management, perseverance/stamina, self-efficacy/mindset, critical thinking, and collaboration and interpersonal skills.

Research shows that SEL instruction leads to positive outcomes for students. Kontos concluded by reviewing SEL curriculum used in the district, each of which focus on the five CASEL standards: self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, social awareness and relationship skills. CASEL is the industry standard for SEL instruction.

Accountability Plan Presentation

The superintendent and members of the superintendents council presented highlights for the districts accountability plan, which outlines data associated with the districts work toward achieving each board goal.

Goal #1: Student Growth/Student Achievement

Highlights were provided for student growth/student achievement, which focuses on reading, math and science growth, and attendance rates.

Goal #2: Parent and Community Engagement

Highlights from the districts work to support parent and community engagement includes the Parent Connection Council (PCC), Educational Effectiveness Survey, parent conferencing, Skyward usage, school messenger and community engagement.

Goal #3: Communication with Stakeholders

Highlights from the school boards communication with stakeholders includes social media engagement, interpretation and translation, and students exiting and entering the district.

Goal #4: Supportive Learning Environment for Students

Highlights for the districts work to provide supportive learning environments for students includes attendance, results from the districts Educational Effectiveness Survey and discipline.

Goal #5: Recruitment, Retention and Professional Development

Highlights were provided for the districts recruitment, retention and professional development efforts, which included staff recognition, recruitment efforts, retention rates, teacher and administrator certification support, and staff survey data.

Goal #6: Fiscal Responsibility

Highlights from the districts commitment to strong fiscal responsibility were provided, which included community input on budget development, electronic Impact Aid data collection, federalElementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief(ESSER) funds, general fund balance and budget projections.

District Strategic Plan

Deputy Superintendent Brian Laubach provided an update on the districts Academic Improvement Committee (AIC). The presentation included information on the process school staff will be expected to follow to contribute to improvement, the committee timeline, the profile of a CPSD graduate and an overview of the goals for the districts new strategic plan.

The districts new strategic plan will be focused on the following goals:

School administrators have been provided the School Annual Action Plan template for 2023-24 and the new District Strategic Plan.

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June 2023 Clover Park School District Board Review The ... - The Suburban Times

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