Jelastic Java Cloud Hosting Platform: New Market Opportunities for Web Hosts

September 4, 2012 Jelastic has announced the launch of version 1.8.2 of its new generation platform for Java cloud hosting ( Jelastic Java PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) can run and automatically scale any Java application without any code changes. Being a highly competitive platform, Jelastic gives hosting service providers an opportunity to enter the fast-growing market segment of PaaS, attract new customers and effectively compete with Google, Amazon, Heroku and other leaders.

Platform-as-a-Service is a new and fast-growing market segment: according to Forester projections, it will reach 9.8 billion USD by 2015. Jelastic is a competitive platform that enables any hosting provider to enter this market and occupy a decent market share. What makes it different from other cloud Java hosting platforms?

Jelastic offers a fundamentally new approach to Java cloud hosting: the end users do not need to learn extra things and recode their applications in order to adapt to certain requirements. Jelastic is a really convenient and easy-to-deploy cloud platform that can run and scale any Java application without any code changes. However, Jelastic team took the needs of hosting providers into account, too: the platform automatically allocates physical resources and automatically moves applications between host servers to optimize the load. Unused environments can be hibernated for the same purpose Jelastic will awake them as soon as they start sending requests.

The freshly-launched Jelastic 1.8.2 is remarkable for a good number of new features and improvements. First, it provides an opportunity to upgrade the system without downtime at all. How is it possible? This platform is running on two physical servers for stability purposes: they are independent but identical copies of Jelastic infrastructure. Only one of them is active at a certain moment (the other is in standby mode). It means that the currently active server can receive requests, while the standby one can be upgraded. After that they switch the modes: the active server goes standby and becomes available for upgrading, too.

Second, bandwidth limitations for different types of accounts (beta, trial and billing) are now supported: the network quota can range from 1 to 4000. This feature ensures that customers of one and the same hosting provider would not affect each other in a negative way.

Third, the support for tiered pricing has been added: hosting providers can set certain tariffs for different categories of users depending on their traffic usage in the previous month. Jelastics tariff scale shows the minimum, maximum and free amount of traffic for each user category. In a nutshell, the more traffic the user consumes, the lower price for each GB he pays (and the more free traffic gets!).

It should be also noted that Jelastics quality assurance monitoring system has been improved: now it includes a subsystem for notifying publishers and subscribers about monitoring events, a single subscriber that collects information to MySQL database and the Pentaho BI system with reports and analysis charts. All these improvements guarantee that providers will be able to detect and report troubles before they get complaints from angry customers.

In addition to the aforesaid, there are a lot of new features for end users. They include an Elastic VDS with root access for each user, a Memcached node that ensures optimal memory use, the ability to create environments without application logic nodes, a system of balloon prompts that facilitates work with Jelastics dashboard interface, and many more.

The following hosting providers have already chosen Jelastic: dogado (Germany), Tsukaeru (Japan), Rusonyx (Russia), ServInt (US) and Layershift (UK). They have already got more than 25,000 signed-up users, though the platform was launched only in October 2011.

More information is available at

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Jelastic Java Cloud Hosting Platform: New Market Opportunities for Web Hosts

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