Freedom of Information request on cloud hosting services (FOI 21/1271) – GOV.UK

FOI 21/1271

13th December 2021


Thank you for your email.

The type of contract I wish to see is below:

1.Cloud Hosting- Cloud hosting services provide hosting for websites on virtual servers, which pull their computing resources from extensive underlying networks of physical web servers.

Not all of these will be applicable to the organisation.

For the different types of hosting services, can you provide me with the following information:

Co-Location and Cloud Hosting

Co-Location SunGard Availability Services (UK) Ltd

Cloud Hosting Red Ant, Azure, Mulesoft and Appian,

SunGard Availability Services (UK) Ltd ~180,000

Red Ant (TD Hosting only) ~30,000

Azure ~1,000,000

Mulesoft ~363,000

Appian ~569,000

4.What type of cloud environment?

Private Cloud-a distinct and secure cloud based environment in which only the specified client can operate.

Public Cloud -where cloud services are provided in a virtualized environment, constructed using pooled shared physical resources, and accessible over a public network such as the internet.

Hybrid-integrated cloud service utilising both private and public clouds to perform distinct functions within the same organisation.


SunGard Availability Services (UK) Ltd Feb 2020

Red Ant (TD Hosting only) Jul 2021

Azure Jan 2019

Mulesoft Nov 2018

Appian Jan 2018

SunGard Availability Services (UK) Ltd 31/01/2025

Red Ant (TD Hosting only) July 2023

Azure 17/01/2022

Mulesoft 06/11/2022

Appian 31/12/2022

Contracts are reviewed on an ongoing basis and dependent on future requirements

SunGard Availability Services (UK) Ltd 5 years

Red Ant (TD Hosting only) 2 year

Azure 3 years

Mulesoft 4 years

Appian 5 years

SunGard Availability Services (UK) Ltd data centre services

Red Ant (TD Hosting only) web hosting

Azure infrastructure and platform services

Mulesoft infrastructure and applications services

Appian infrastructure and applications services

All contracts are managed by IT Commercial Management Team

If you have a query about the information provided, please reply to this email.

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date you receive this response and addressed to:

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, we are not able to accept delivery of any documents or correspondence by post or courier to any of our offices

Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.

If you were to remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the internal review, you would have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Please bear in mind that the Information Commissioner will not normally review our handling of your request unless you have first contacted us to conduct an internal review. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

Information Commissioners Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Yours sincerely

MHRA Customer Service Centre

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency

10 South Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 4PU Telephone 0203 080 6000

See the article here:
Freedom of Information request on cloud hosting services (FOI 21/1271) - GOV.UK

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