Firebase Hosting

Firebase Hosting provides fast and secure hosting for your web app, static and dynamic content, and microservices.

Firebase Hosting is production-grade web content hosting for developers.With a single command, you can quickly deploy web apps and serve both static anddynamic content to a global CDN (content delivery network). You can alsopair Firebase Hosting with Cloud Functions or Cloud Runto build and host microservices on Firebase.

Get Started

View and test your changes on a locally hosted URL and interact with an emulated backend.

Share your changes with teammates using temporary preview URLs. Hosting also provides a GitHub integration for easy iterations of your previewed content.

Using the Firebase CLI, you can get your app up and running in seconds. Command line tools make it easy to add deployment targets into your build process.

And if you need to undo the deploy, Hosting provides one-click rollbacks.

Firebase Hosting is built for the modern web developer. Websites and appsare more powerful than ever with the rise of front-end JavaScriptframeworks like Angular and static generator tools like Jekyll. Whether youare deploying a simple app landing page or a complex Progressive Web App (PWA),Hosting gives you the infrastructure, features, and tooling tailored todeploying and managing websites and apps.

Using the Firebase CLI, you deploy files from local directorieson your computer to our Hosting servers. Beyond serving static content, youcan use Cloud Functions for Firebase or Cloud Run toserve dynamic content and host microserviceson your sites. All content is served over an SSL connection from the closestedge server on our global CDN.

You can alsoview and test your changes before going live.Using the Firebase Local Emulator Suite, you can emulate your app and backendresources at a locally hosted URL. You can also share your changes at atemporary preview URL and set up aGitHub integration for easy iterationsduring development.

Firebase Hosting has lightweighthosting configuration options for you to buildsophisticated PWAs. You can easily rewrite URLs for client-side routing, setup custom headers, and even serve localized content.

For serving your content, Firebase offers several domain and subdomain options:

By default, every Firebase project has subdomains at no cost on and domains. These two sites serve the samedeployed content and configuration.

You can create multiple sites if you have relatedsites and apps that serve different content but still share the sameFirebase project resources (for example if you have a blog, admin panel, andpublic app).

You can connect your own domain name to aFirebase-hosted site.

Firebase automatically provisions SSL certificates for all your domains so thatall your content is served securely.

Add your static assets to a local project directory, then run firebase init to connect the directory to a Firebase project.

In your local project directory, you can also set up Cloud Functions or Cloud Run for your dynamic content and microservices.

Run firebase emulators:start to emulate Hosting and your backend project resources at a locally hosted URL.

To view and share your changes at a temporary preview URL, run firebase hosting:channel:deploy to create and deploy to a preview channel. Set up the GitHub integration for easy iterations of your previewed content.

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Firebase Hosting

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