DigitalOcean Launches Over 400 Virtual Private Servers Per Day in the Cloud

New York, NY (PRWEB) July 18, 2012

DigitalOcean, a New York based Cloud Hosting provider has recently announced their new $5 dollar a month virtual private server plan. Dedicated to building the easiest cloud hosting platform available, DigitalOcean is offering the subscribers of the new cloud server plan with 20GB disk space, 256MB Memory, automated back-ups, and free unlimited bandwidth.

With the new $5 a month plan, DigitalOcean expects to speed up its already rapid growth. Its hosting solutions have received a stunning reception among developers and startups. Over 7,000 virtual private servers have been launched just within the past few months and they are launching more than 400 servers per day at the time of this press release.

DigitalOceans popularity has been driven, in a large part, by its dedication to creating the worlds simplest cloud server platform. Featuring an easy-to-use control panel and ultra-fast cloud server deployment, the site makes cloud computing available to users of all levels. This is not an accident. The staff at DigitalOcean comes from over 10 years of experience within the web hosting industry and worked to make the DigitalOcean site seamless and easy to use.

DigitalOcean makes launching and managing a virtual private server simple. Spinning up a virtual private server, which DigitalOcean affectionately calls a droplet, takes less than a minute. This is the shortest spin up time in the cloud hosting space, beating the much longer cloud server launch times of other cloud hosting providers including Rackspace or Amazon EC2.

Scaling is just one way that DigitalOcean supports the rapid changes that affect online sites and businesses. All of the DigitalOcean cloud servers come with free unlimited bandwidth, so that users do not have to work on calculating hourly and monthly traffic rates. The site also features automatic nightly backups that keep the servers' content secure and current, and subscribers can instantly record specific server configurations and setups using the snapshot feature. The snapshots can then be used to scale quickly across many virtual private servers.

DigitalOcean lets users spin up a free cloud server for a trial period to see just how easy the entire process is. After they register, all users get at least 20 GB of disk space (although the highest plan goes all the way up to 160GB) and unlimited free bandwidth. The whole setup is incredibly fast.

As the company CEO, Ben Uretsky, explained, "Our team is passionate about simplifying the complexities of web infrastructure. Digital Ocean provides the best platform for users to create a server online. From sign up to spin up in less than 3 minutes.

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DigitalOcean Launches Over 400 Virtual Private Servers Per Day in the Cloud

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