2017 MyBroadband Cloud Conference in Photos – MyBroadband

MyBroadbands 2017 Cloud, Hosting, and Security Conference took place at the Gallagher Convention Centre on 10 May.

The conference provided a platform for IT executives and managers to interact and do business with South Africas top cloud and hosting providers.

The event attracted a record number of delegates, with 1,900 IT executives and decision makers attending the event.

These delegates were treated to presentations from the top cloud, hosting, and security experts in South Africa, and were able to visit stands and exhibitions from the countrys top IT companies.

Radio 702s Aki Anastasiou was the MC atthe event, with speakers from Amazon Web Services, BCX, SensePost, Dimension Data, Connection Telecom, SITA, Huawei, and many other leading organisations.

The photos belowprovide an overview ofthe event.

2017 MyBroadband Cloud Conference in Photos - MyBroadband

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