‘Sweden is heaven for cloud computing’: Amazon Nordic chief – The … – The Local Sweden

Darren Mowry of Amazon Web Services. Photo: AWS

The head of Nordic operations for Amazon Web Services (AWS) has spelled out exactly why the US cloud computing giant chose to locate three state-of-the-art data centers in Sweden.

In April, it emerged that AWS planned to open a new infrastructure region for its cloud computing services in the Stockholm region in 2018.

Swedens enterprise and innovation minister Mikael Damberg hailed the deal as huge for Sweden.

They could do that wherever in the world, but chose to do it here," he added.

Now the man responsible for expanding AWSs cloud services operations in Sweden, American Darren Mowry, has disclosed the reasoning behind his companys decision to invest in Sweden.

Sweden truly does have it all, Mowry writes in a blog post published on the Data Centers by Sweden website.

But theres more to it than that.

Read his full explanation behind the AWS investment here.

This article was produced byThe Local Client Studioand sponsored by Data Centers by Sweden.

See the original post:
'Sweden is heaven for cloud computing': Amazon Nordic chief - The ... - The Local Sweden

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