Microsoft Continues Cloud Hiring, Freezes Other Areas – WebProNews

As the global pandemic continues to take its toll, Microsoft is freezing hiring for many roles, but is continuing to hire for its cloud division.

According to a report, employees told Business Insider that Microsoft is still hiring for roles within its massive cloud computing business, and the company was holding virtual hiring events for software engineers as recently as last week. Some groups, one employee said, are prioritizing consumer-facing and critical roles.

The news should come as no surprise, given the impact of the pandemic. As governments have called on individuals to social distance and stay at home, and as companies have sent their workers home with orders to telecommute, the cloud computing industry has entered its heyday. From Slack to Teams, Office 365 to Google Docs, Zoom to Skype, people are relying on cloud-based software and solutions like never before.

In view of that, it makes sense that Microsoft would continue hiring for its cloud division. Its likely that any increase in Microsofts cloud personnel will be permanent and far outlast the current crisis, due to the fundamental shift in the workforce the pandemic is causing. The longer it goes on, the more likely current telecommuting trends will become the norm, resulting in a permanent demand for cloud-based solutions.

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Microsoft Continues Cloud Hiring, Freezes Other Areas - WebProNews

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