John Higgins on European Commission’s Cloud Computing Strategy – Video

John Higgins on European Commission #39;s Cloud Computing Strategy
By 2015, the worldwide market for cloud products and services is estimated to reach between euro; 50 bn and euro; 80 bn. Cloud computing is a factor for change thanks to an increased efficiency of computer infrastructure utilization and standardized offers leading to lower costs. In order to #39;Unleash the Potential of Cloud Computing #39; Europe gears up to tackle a series of challenges and the European Commission #39;s Communication on Cloud Computing released on 27 September 2012 identifies several key obstacles and corresponding actions: cutting through the jungle of standards, safe and fair contract terms and conditions and establishing a European Cloud Partnership to drive innovation and growth from the public sector. The EC Communication draws a lot of attention, comments and feedback from players involved in cloud computing, be they from industry, user community, governments, trade partners. This EIF debate was an occasion to hear some of these reactions. John Higgins, Director General, Digitaleurope shared his views. Click here to read more about the event: http://www.eifonline.orgFrom:eifonlineViews:4 0ratingsTime:08:18More inScience Technology

John Higgins on European Commission's Cloud Computing Strategy - Video

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