How Can Cloud Computing Enable Remote Teams to Work More … – socPub

Remote work is here to stay, and employers are implementing new technology to accommodate the changing work environment. One solution gaining ground is the use of cloud-based software for data storage and extra computing power. Heres how the cloud has made remote work easier and safer than ever.

From a security perspective, remote work is notoriously risky. Employees often use their personal computers when working at home, especially if the company doesnt provide a designated computer. These devices may not have adequate security measures such as firewalls and antivirus software in place to protect them, and workers may inadvertently download malware when visiting sites unrelated to work.

Many people viewed cloud computing as less than secure when it first debuted. Today, however, cloud computing software has strong safety nets in place to guard against bad actors, even for people working remotely.

Cloud software providers allow businesses to tailor their user permissions and access controls to protect company data. At the same time, the providers are responsible and liable for the safety of the platform. Multiple security specialists safeguard cloud computing platforms to protect their customer base.

These security measures make remote teams more productive. Data breaches can cause internet outages, compromise critical services and disrupt normal business functions, and theytake an average of 70 days to contain. Avoiding them means workers can carry out their daily tasks uninterrupted.

Cloud computing makes collaborative accounting simpler than ever. Remote finance teams and business owners can all access the same files from different locations, allowing them to store and enter data, conduct audits and draft financial reports with ease.

Its little wonder that59% of businesses have invested in cloud-based accounting processes. A full 58% of companies that currently lack cloud computing technology plan to implement cloud-based accounting software in 2023.

Keeping a data center cool requires either a massive amount of water or air conditioning power. With energy bills, water bills, site maintenance and rent to account for, the costs of on-site data storage can add up quickly. They can also fluctuate from month to month depending on the amount of energy a business uses.

Many companies choose cloud computing solutions which have a predictable, fixed monthly fee instead of paying to maintain on-site servers. That translates to greater profit margins and more funds to spend on hardware, training and staff salaries.

Investing more money in the remote team boosts morale and improves productivity. Processes flow more smoothly when workers have better computers and software at their disposal. Companies can also use the extra funds to give hard workers a raise, boosting retention rates.

Cloud storage enables remote workers to access company databases from anywhere in the world. Employees can open any files, emails and other resources they may need to do their job without having to go into the office.

Having greater access allows workers to make their own decisions and resolve issues independently. This workplace model improves productivity and fosters a greater sense of self-competence among employees.

Shared data access also lets employees easily collaborate on projects, even if they live on opposite sides of the planet. It enables real-time interactions across time zones and language barriers.

At the same time that cloud computing offers easier collaboration, it also allows a business to control who has administrative privileges, restricting access to sensitive data like trade secrets and personal information. Only certain employees are able to open restricted files.

Cloud-based data access means people can work from home, a coffee shop or outside on a sunny day. It eliminates the need to commute or physically sit at a desk for hours at a time.

Workers can eat, move around or take breaks on their own schedule, meeting their needs better than they could in an office setting. They can also take care of children without having to take the day off or hire a babysitter.

All of these factors can make for a more balanced life and happier employees, and thats good for business. According to a 2022 Future Forum report, workers with full schedule flexibility saythey are 29% more productive and 53% better at focusing than people on a fixed schedule.

Remote workerstake fewer sick days than people working in onsite locations. They also report higher job satisfaction and are more likely to stay in their jobs. By hiring remote workers, companies can spend less time onboarding new employees and more time upskilling current staff members, saving considerable money in the process.

Cloud computing has spurred a revolutionary shift in how companies operate. Remote work is more secure and accessible than ever, making it an attractive option both for employees and organizations. By enabling easier collaboration, improved data access and a better working environment often at a lower cost than on-site data storage cloud-based solutions have become a great option for businesses of all sizes.

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How Can Cloud Computing Enable Remote Teams to Work More ... - socPub

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