Hot Stuff: Ever Heard Of Cloud Computing? Here’s Why Filipinos … – ABS-CBN News

It's hard living in this age. Everything you do needs to be documented. We're not just talking about your social media shenanigans, but stuff you need for your government and office transactions, you know, the bigger reasons why Internet came to be in the first place. Nowadays you spend a considerable amount of time and money on spending additional external hard drives to store all these filesthose of necessity and otherwise. Then sometimes, you have to deal with a broken drive or two; then sometimes, you lose them to your horror. Pictures of you and baegone! Videos of your cliff jumpingnowhere to be found!

The inconvenience brought in by the physicality of these drives and devices can be haunting as days go by. In the corporate setting, not having enough space for your files leads to miscommunication, mismanagement, and delay. If you're just worried about it because you have no space in your phone for any more selfie, it can also be problematic. Enter the concept of cloud storage platforms, which PC Magazine defines as the "means of storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer's hard drive." Yes, you read that right: All your files easily dumped and then catalogued online in one data center and that's it. Imagine the fictional Pied Piper from TV series Silicon Valley. In the plot, It's so revolutionary the similarly made-up high-tech company Hooli is running after its ownership.

The concept of cloud computing fits right into the tech culture of social media-heavy using FIlipinos.

At the press launch of the partnership between Philippine-based enterprise solutions provider Nexus Technologies announced its partnership with Singapore-based IT company InfoFabrica last April 21, Nexus-InfoFabrica Country Sales Manager John Defiesta couldn't have agreed more of how cloud computing can help advance Filipinos' lives in more ways than one.

There is a huge opportunity for Philippine companies, big or small, to take advantage of what cloud services have to offer."

Defiesta said the partnership aims to make cloud computing accessible to all Filipinos, in anticipation for its now-growing demand.

A report from Gartner, Inc. indicated that there will be at least an 18% growth for cloud computing in the Philippines this year. Big companies like Globe Telecom, Smart Communications, and ABS-CBN have been using thecloud, too; it's an attempt to savemillions of pesos from purchasing additional storage and servers for their numerous customers.

Another factor why cloud computing is a worthy investment? Flexibility. InfoFabrica offers a pay-as-you-go model where you only pay for additional storage when you need it. You can avail of it permanently or for a certain period. It's also perfect for startup companies, small businesses, and even students, said Defiesta.

Defiesta also predicts a sharp growth of cloud computing in the Philippines within the next five years. No more storage woes!

"There may be problems in terms of bandwidth, but the country is improving, and telco companies are making an effort," he reassured.

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Hot Stuff: Ever Heard Of Cloud Computing? Here's Why Filipinos ... - ABS-CBN News

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