GreenClouds: Combining Cloud Computing Software with Energy Efficient ARM Hardware – Video

GreenClouds: Combining Cloud Computing Software with Energy Efficient ARM Hardware
"GreenClouds: Combining cloud computing software with energy efficient ARM hardware" by Ripal Nathuji at the CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2012. Audience level: Beginner Past debates on "if" ARM servers will enter the datacenter have now become a discussion of "how". Cloud computing models are particularly appealing due to their value in deploying and managing the scale-out workloads that benefit most from these architectures. In this talk we will discuss the application of CloudStack with ARM hardware today, and the future opportunities as these systems evolve. Abstract: Managing costs has become a critical issue in today #39;s large-scale datacenters. Cloud computing technologies allow administrators to deploy a multitenant shared infrastructure to reduce overprovisioning and improve TCO. At the same time, there are significant innovations in server hardware to address increasing energy costs, including incorporating novel processor and system architectures designed for low power computing. These trends indicate the future of cost-effective scale out systems will require combining cloud computing software with hardware optimized for efficiency. Traditionally server processors have been designed with a performance-first mentality. While recent generations have made strides towards reducing power consumption, the gravity of the power scalability problem in datacenters requires a holistic solution with power-first design criteria. Historically, ARM processors have been ...

By: DIYCloudComputing

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GreenClouds: Combining Cloud Computing Software with Energy Efficient ARM Hardware - Video

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