Cloud computing | Define Cloud computing at

Contemporary Examples

cloud computing makes it more difficult for a forensic investigation.

But nobody has yet delivered a cloud computing system that is glitch free.

"cloud computing" really captured the imagination and became the common name before the technology was even all that common.

Tablets and cloud computing have reshaped the information industry.

To be sure, Apple has been doing a form of cloud computing with its MobileMe service.

British Dictionary definitions for cloud computing Expand

a model of computer use in which services stored on the internet are provided to users on a temporary basis

Contemporary definitions for cloud computing Expand


a type of computing based on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications


Cloud computing has started to obtain mass appeal in corporate data centers as it enables the data center to operate like the Internet.

cloud computing in Technology Expand

architecture A loosely defined term for any system providing access via the Internet to processing power, storage, software or other computing services, often via a web browser. Typically these services will be rented from an external company that hosts and manages them. (2009-04-21)

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