Cloud Computing Basics – A Non-Technical Explanation of cloud computing basics in Plain English – Video

Cloud Computing Basics - A Non-Technical Explanation of cloud computing basics in Plain English
Cloud Computing Basics a presentation by like us on Facebook http Cloud Computing Technical Side If you search cloud computing basics you will find technical terms and business uses such as IAAS, PAAS, SAAS, private, hybrid, elasticity, and sustainability. Business can and do benefit from utilizing cloud computing services; however the cloud is under utilized for personal use. Survey Highlights (courtesy of Citrix) Statistics show that most are not clear on what is cloud computing. Check out the staggering statistics from Citrix, it is really quite humorous. 95% of those who think they #39;re not using the cloud, actually are 3 in 5 (59%) believe the "workplace of the future" will exist entirely in the cloud 40% believe accessing work information at home in their "birthday suit" would be an advantage More than 1/3 agree that the cloud allows them to share information with people they #39;d rather not be interacting with in person After being provided with the definition of the cloud, 68% recognized its economic benefits 14% have pretended to know what the cloud is during a job interview FORBES Article In this article from Forbes they hint at the reasons why people should learn more about the cloud: Many respondents, in fact, are aware of the changes about to sweep through their organizations. Three in five (59%) believe the "workplace of the future" will exist entirely in the cloud. This finding alone "indicates people feel it #39;s ...

By: CloudComputingBasics

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